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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-07 16:03:48 » #801424

Universe 6: And in his grave, Master Asia is sick of the witches in the world of the living and rises back from the dead. Seeing how useless Madoka is, the Undefeated of the East decides to beat up every witch in the world... BEFORE MAKING ANY CONTRACT WITH KYUBEY. Basically to avoid being known that he is back, he dresses in a puella magi costume and hid his face from existence, transcending as the GOD THAT HE ALREADY WAS and simply ending entropy with a pinky of his hand. His duty finished, he decides to travel to back to the dead to enjoy a nice beer game with Kamina and Spike.

...Only to sell and ditch the costume beforehand to Homura.

10 Points Flag
Samah commented at 2011-07-08 10:35:05 » #802621

Just give him a hat and I'd swear it was Mahou Shoujo Saxton Hale.

3 Points Flag