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Ticket Information - ID: #1215

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001215Browser Problemsnormalalways08/14/22 03:27PMJerl
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:i can replay or send emails
Description:i cant send or replay to emails
it gives me this error message
"You can't perform this action. Your account is too inactive to use this feature."
what should i do :c
plz help
Additional Info:
ripperg replied at 2022-08-14 16:36:46
i mean i cant replay or send emails

Jerl replied at 2022-08-14 19:13:59
This is not a bug. The trac should only be used for bug reports and feature requests.