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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-04 03:15:02 » #796689

shockwave did it... that's why she wasn't in dark of the moon

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-13 15:15:04 » #1115386

It's funny/sad/revealing/*something* that she would be drawn like this when in the one episode she was in (this incarnation in this form, anyway) she was kicking ass, taking names, and tops it off by saving Prime's sorry skidplate. Yeeeeeah, perfect "totally helpless damsel in distress carried in Prime's manly arms" material.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-29 12:32:03 » #1388933

I think you're looking too much into this, Anon2. She looks less like a "helpless damsel" and more like a dead corpse. Not to mention, no one said anything about this picture relating to the episode you're talking about. But if you want to be the boy/girl who cried sexist wolf, be my guest.

4 Points Flag