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Anonymous commented at 2011-06-20 14:51:27 » #779413

What I liked about their relationship is that it never was sexual. Batou always looked up to her like an older sister that kept his brashness in check with her calm certainty.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-01 17:28:27 » #793420

It was never sexual because Motoko never allowed it to be so.

Batou loves the Major in a MAJOR way.... Romantically, not big-sisterly (but there may be an element of that as well).

What's more, everyone in Section-9 knows it.
In one of the last episodes of GitS: SAC, after Motoko had apparently getten her head blown off by a sniper in front of Batou, Ishikawa mocks Batou about his howling like a puppy "Motokooooo" and Batou strangles him in protest as the rest of the team laughs....

Sexual? Not in the show... but certainly not because Batou didn't want it.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-01 17:40:30 » #793428

Awwwwwwwwwwwww... the hand holding in this one is great

3 Points Flag
Dirty_Harry commented at 2011-12-19 23:59:05 » #955606

Motoko is as female, as a brick. She's fully aware of that. Not only is her body a machine, but she may not even have an artificial vagina, since she is a combat cyborg. (Still I hope she does.) Her field of work is as manly as it gets. And she outclasses everyone at it. She's so tough, she can't depend on anyone weaker than herself. Maybe that's why she is desperately trying to cling to whatever femininity she can claim for herself. Dressing in the most sexist way imaginable, hanging with lesbos during free time (SAC GIG1, external harddrive, missing hearts.) Or maybe she is into shotas (Gig2 "Care to find out?") Motoko is a major pervert (teasing her whole team and especially Aramiki, that old impotent geezer). Better believe it. Batou never had a chance. This is Japan we are talking about. Crazy bitches killing their lovers and assuming their identity. So you see, Motoko is a decent, even respectable pervert (lolwut?), not a crazy one. Yet the childish tachicomas support the idea of her really being into kids. I bet she rapes them online whenever she fels like it. Poor Batou. Besides. Motoko loves family men. If anyone ever got any of her affection, it certainly was Togusa. Check out her unusually overjoyed face, when she is spying on Togusa, while he is calling his babe (SAC GIG1 missing camera). You can tell she is jealous as fuck, she'd love to be Togusa's wife (with real body), no doubt about it. Poor Batou. It's hard NOT to think of a reason, why he never had a chance.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-21 13:02:02 » #956719

9/10 nice Job Dirty Harry.

There's a simpler explanation. Getting sexual with Batou would interfere with her work. Simple as that.

2 Points Flag
Dirty_Harry commented at 2011-12-21 21:59:29 » #957016

Thanks Anon. Work interference was actually the very first thing to come to mind. Here is my reasoning why it's imho not being the case.

Motoko is a goddamn virgin. She got a prosthetic body at the age of 6. That means she never had to go through puberty. No hormones, no dirty thoughts, no masturbation, no sex, no nothing. And how did she end up in the military? I guess her body was sponsored. But with her parents gone, there was noone to pay for the maintenance. After serving for a while, she must have realized she was pretty much a slave and her life was not very fun, or even worth living. Living in a city does have it's merits. In contrast to some active warzone, you do have free time and there are plenty of ways to enjoy it. Normal people to become friends with. Casual things all around you. No need to stay cautious all the time, the luxury to be able to relax. You see, her switching over from regular military to section 9, pretty much was a matter of convenience. A clear sign for her doing whatever the fuck she wants to, as long as the circumstances allow it. And even then, she often goes against authority. Nothing could stop her, if she really wanted to sleep with Batou. Besides, Batou has already fallen for her. Whether she actually sleeps with him or not, changes nothing concerning the moral of the troup. Since Motoko is the only thing on his mind, even during the missions. Check out how he goes to "save" her (GIG1 ep13) and Motoko's reaction to it. Everyone else knew there was absolutely no need to "rescue the damsel in distress" ("As if she needs it.") The fact alone, that the bitch is on the ship, already is enough to disrupt the moral. Whether the bitch is an actual whore or not, changes nothing.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-02-09 03:05:59 » #998284

She is not a goddamn virgin, they left her pleasure center intact (in fact cybernetic interface made it possible for Motoko to feel unimaginably extreme orgasms). And she used it. A lot. With special drugs, during orgies. (They cut that out in anime of course.) So year shes not frigid in any way.

3 Points Flag
Fez_Paladin commented at 2014-01-14 00:25:08 » #1470678

I've never thought of the relationship between Batou and Motoko as sexual, and not really quite like siblings either so much as like that of war veterans... which they technically are just in case anyone forgot!

As for Motoko's sexual history... almost certainly nothing between her and Batou. I've always had the vibe that she was more into doing stuff with her roommates, but that may or may not be a lesbian thing, or there may not even be a specific term for it in English that would describe it properly. That said, I can't see Motoko as a woman who has never had a cock. She has probably had a lot of experimentation with guys, but it was probably a thing she did when she was younger... as in "before joining the service".

Anyway, as for her sexual capabilities... consider who the series creator is and you will have your answer. :) Frankly, I'm more interested in knowing if she is capable of having offspring.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-20 20:06:23 » #1886398

So every single comment points to one thing she's a slut nuff said. Go ahead thumb me down but that's what you guys are saying. She was just joking with that kid. As far as Batou x Motoka goes well she either does not reciprocate or is too dense.

1 Points Flag
shitdickcunt commented at 2016-01-20 20:09:04 » #1886401

Blatantly obvious some of the idiots here haven't read the manga which has scenes that clearly show she has a vag

0 Points Flag