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Anonymous commented at 2011-06-15 21:57:42 » #774421

Some say that each of his toenails are exactly the same as a woman's nipples. And that he thinks the credit crunch is some kind of breakfast cereal. All we know is he's called the Stig.

5 Points Flag
Ragebringer commented at 2011-06-15 21:59:15 » #774425

Some say it's impossible for him to wear socks, and he can open a beer bottle with his testes!But .....all we know is, he's called The Stig!

3 Points Flag
jhn1 commented at 2011-06-16 02:29:46 » #774640

Some say he was raised by wild retarded Pikachu, and he has invented chopsticks. All we know is he's called the Stig.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-16 10:52:07 » #774922

some say he has a tv screen on the inside of his helmet, and that he speaks 14 different languages, half of which, don't exsist. All we know is... he's called the Stig!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-16 19:33:50 » #775371

So now it's time to put our tame racing driver in this new Pikachu. Some say that if he were to divide by zero, it would come out as Ten, and that he's the only man to get thrown out of a bar for *not* drinking in *every country*. All we know is...he's called the Stig!

5 Points Flag
Vheeri commented at 2011-06-25 23:23:25 » #786468

Haters gonna hate

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-05 06:08:53 » #798078

Some say that he's just a ghost possessing a pile of clothes and a helmet and that his power level is over nine-thousand. Some even say he once stole his neighbor's snoopy flag and thus was the originator of the game capture the flag. SOME. . .even say that he is the spawn of a magic panda and a giant fucking dragon. . . .

All we know is. . . .He's called The Stig. . . .

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-01 17:51:40 » #1038475

Some say airbags want him fully dead as a revenge of their boredom, and that he bitchslaps Chuck Norris 24/7, while drifting. All we know is he's called The Stig!

2 Points Flag