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Twii commented at 2011-06-08 07:11:19 » #764960

Can someone like shoop the piss out I mean a little goes a long way right

7 Points Flag
BIankYourBrainsOut commented at 2011-06-08 17:37:56 » #765459

I know. The piss just ruins the picture.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-09 02:38:45 » #766148

Can someone shoop Cammy out. She's getting in the way of that hot background! I don't like this one aspect of the picture! Can someone else do the work so that I might find this more aesthetically pleasing to my personal tastes?

12 Points Flag
riseofatomsk commented at 2011-06-09 14:32:27 » #766608

given that the background is solid green, if twii and Biank at the top cant figure out how to shop the piss out then their morons...sorry.

0 Points Flag
PsychoJosh commented at 2011-06-11 15:54:32 » #769113

That's not piss. Everyone knows that Cammy is full of ginger ale.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-25 04:55:06 » #785617

>if twii and Biank at the top cant figure out how to shop the piss out then their morons...sorry.
>cant figure out how to shop the piss out then their morons
>shop the piss out then their morons
>their morons

Looks like you just contradicted yourself right there. How's your summer going so far? Kiss your first girl yet?

4 Points Flag
THOMASNATOR commented at 2011-08-03 08:49:31 » #834173

Anon 6 this ain't no /b/, mofo, fuck off back to your cheese pizza and shit.

5 Points Flag