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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-30 00:16:57 » #673761

How is he even holding her?

Look at where his left hand is. There is no way he can hold her up like that.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-30 03:42:19 » #674041

it's doable...if sakura keeps her back and ab muscles perfectly taught

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-30 08:59:57 » #674244

why is this flagged? it's a lovely picture and it's from a japanese artist clearly

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-30 17:46:13 » #674709

It's flagged because of the butthurt SasuSaku fanboys. Pay no mind.

30 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-30 18:48:10 » #674761

^Like your one to talk.

Butthurt NaruSaku fanboys and SasuNaru fangirls flag every SasuSaku art they see.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-30 20:38:26 » #674926

^ Hohoho. That doesn't change anything. Because SasuSaku is really a sick fuck pairing.

15 Points Flag
Kingteshay commented at 2011-04-01 04:53:54 » #676902

anon5 to be truthful i hate all the pairings you put up.I hate this pairing the most when they were kids sakura hit naruto just for being himself or talking about sasuke.She still does....my point is she doesn't deserve naruto you know it and i know it.What i hate the most about love pairings generally is that the fans are so selfish and stubborn.Im not a fan of any but im just saying she lied to him to protect sasuke thats pretty damn low what if a girl you liked lied to protect some other guy?Well i know your going to be childish and voted me down and act like im not right but this is a opinion just like yours and im expressing it.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-03 00:58:45 » #679415

@Kingteshay: Have you ever watched an anime before? Tsundere pairings are EXTREMELY popular in most of these shows. To me, Sakura punching Naruto all the time is cutest part of the pairing. I used to love DBZ, and I guess their relationship seems a lot to Goku and ChiChi's to me.
As for the lying part, she lied to protect both Naruto. She felt she was responsible for his pain, and she didn't want Naruto to torture himself trying to bring Sasuke back for her. And judging by her reaction to Naruto's reaction to her confession, I don't think it was entirely a lie, though we can let the hardcore shippers debate that one.
The last point I'd like to make is that, although I disagree with Kingteshay, I don't think my fellow NSers should have voted him down that much. Alot of NS haters are trolls who should be voted down, but this person seems to be just expressing their own opinion without trying to push it as fact. But I dunno, that's just the way I read the comment...

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-12 00:36:01 » #730332

"this person seems to be just expressing their own opinion without trying to push it as fact"

"she doesn't deserve naruto you know it and i know it"

Just sayin.


Anyway, although the hitting thing was cute the first few times, it does make me cringe every time I see it again. I dunno... I think it was overdone just a little. Luckily the manga moved in a new direction. When was the last time she hit him...? I can't remember. :/

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-20 14:46:36 » #741184

You know, for as shitty as this series is, it sure does get quite the detailed and long-winded comments.

8 Points Flag