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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-02 08:43:23 » #639058

There we go. 2 little Anime critters with an evil hidden agenda that uses children to fight something. + both are pink and white and are not from this world, lol.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-15 01:57:14 » #847522

But neither of them were evil. Infact, their intentions were techniqually true neutral.

Although dungbeetle was a dick.

5 Points Flag
ballcock69 commented at 2013-04-28 22:51:29 » #1311115

If you think that tricking innocents into suicide isn't evil, then you are not using D&D definition of true neutral.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-23 17:40:14 » #1326375


But kyubeys not evil either.

If thas the case I evil because I speak the same way. like a witch.

In fact it's actually noble.....just...he's going about a fucked up way to do it.

I like his way though.

I agree with anon 847 on coemushi though.

Maaaaaajor dick.

0 Points Flag
ballcock69 commented at 2013-05-30 13:04:18 » #1330584

^ Not D&D alignment system either.

D&D isn't the only way, but is definitely the cornerstone for Good vs Evil and Law vs Chaos. You can use other systems, of course.

Good implies a concern for the dignity of sentient beings, so neither should be considered "noble".

Evil implies hurting, oppressing and killing others, especially if you have no qualms.

Neutral (Good/Evil axis) is the middle. Want to do good, but lack commitment to sacrifice himself for others.

Law implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority and reliability.

Chaos implies freedom, adaptability and flexibility.

Neutral (Law/Caos axis) is the middle. Don't feel like obeying or rebeling; being honest or lying.

Thus, True Neutral is called "Undecided" ones. Someone who lacks strong convictions or that is ever transient, making sacrifices one time and being callous another; lying one time, being true another.

QB is Lawful Evil, not True Neutral, his agenda is too clear cut.

QB is Evil because he doesn't even acknowledge the fundamental value of life. Being willing to sacrifice others to save his own skin is the trademark of Evil characters.

QB is also Lawful (not 100%) because his entire race is exactly like him (no individuality), is close-minded (can't comprehend others ways of thinking and feeling) and follows a rule (grant wishes even if they screw him). However, he is willing to omit or twist truths, something not really Law.

Coemushi is Neutral Evil.

Coemushi is Evil for almost the same reasons for QB. He is willing to sacrifice others for his own sake, or for perceived "greater good". In D&D, if you sacrifice others to achieve a "greater good", you are more towards Evil, because Good would sacrifice himself, not others.

Coemushi is Neutral because he sometimes lies, but doesn't advocate freedom or individuality. When he incite Kako to sex Chizuru, he is doing that for lols, for Evilness, not Chaos. He is serving some sort of Cosmic Order, but his ways aren't Lawful.

Now, when Coemushi does his Heel Face Turn, he becomes a bit more like Lawfull Good. He is a bit too crude in saying all the truth to the new kids, but remains loyal to his promise to Ushiro and chooses to sacrifice himself to raise the chances of survival of the new kids.

Let's contrast them to a real Good character: Kaname Madoka.

Madoka is a Lawful Good character done right. She is honest, trustworthy, is concerned for the dignity of sentient beings and value life. AND is not uptight, holier than thou, etc.

Let's contrast them to a real True Neutral character: Archer from Fate/stay night.

Archer is willing to sacrifice both himself and other to achieve a "greater good". He never lies, but omit the truth and manipulates everyone, allies and foes alike. His motto is to "sacrifice few to save many", can be Evil, but he ultimately does this in hopes of finding a better path, and most importantly, understands the value of life and does everything he can to protect, not gain anything from his actions.

2 Points Flag
ballcock69 commented at 2013-05-30 14:37:40 » #1330633

Writing the above text was kinda fun, so I'm going to write about the different Evils for further explanation.

I'm going to use Lord of the Rings and Dragon Ball Z for reference because they have perfect examples and are well known.

Lawful Evil "Dominator" - uses structure and organization to achieve evil goals. Have some loose "moral sense", like not killing in cold blood (but having minion to do it). Want to rule or serv an Evil Empire.

Sauron wanted to rule Middle Earth by killing each Good being through his dark army.

Freeza used his empire to spread his power and influence; he destroyed some planets for the lols sometimes, but was mostly his minions who did this (or sell planets).

Neutral Evil "Malefactor" - Goddanm selfish. He is out for himself, that plain. Will use structure and abide his words when convenient, as will backstab.

Saruman sided with whoever would make more profit. Uses structure as a tool, not really valueing it, like using his chief position among the Wizards and later joining Sauron for power both. His tongue is that of a serpent, says half-truths all the time. However, is not really bent on destruction, gaining power for power is enough for him.

Cell also used structure, like reforming Tenkaichi Budokai to formally challenge the heros and prove his supremacy just for simple vainity, but it was just a tool for him, he had no love for organizations. Was honest only when he had the upperhand, after Gohan SSJ 2, he went dirty coward mode.

Chaotic Evil "Destroyer" - hates life, order, well everything that isn't himself. Destruction is what he seeks and enjoy.

Morgoth wanted everything barren and void. That simple. Also lots of unrational hatred.

Kid Buu destroyed because it was fun. Never organized anything, that concept was beyond him, as well as life.

1 Points Flag