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mewfan151 commented at 2011-01-29 22:46:14 » #600942

I find this picture hilarious, because I could see the two of them as drinking buddies...

17 Points Flag
darkrinoa commented at 2011-02-21 01:37:31 » #628191

Just don't bring a shoopuff into the mix... <_<;

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-28 07:53:10 » #636661

Both are shitty fathers anyhow.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-12 03:58:31 » #691843

No they are not shitty fathers...YOUR MOM IS A SHITTY FATHER!

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-18 05:07:36 » #699130

also wow nicely drawn. I wish i had fatherS like those two

7 Points Flag
mewfan151 commented at 2011-07-01 09:16:25 » #792999

"Sitty Fathers"?
Laguna didn't even KNOW about Squall in the first place....
and, I've never actually played FF X, so this is from what my Friends told me, but didn't Jecht choose not to go back to Tidus because of Sin? Not quite clear on the Details there, but...

In any case, they are the most badass people in existence!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-07 14:23:55 » #801306

Well.. Laguna didn't know about Squall, but he sure as hell wouldn't be the best father anyway...
I mean, technically he is not even a good husband. Sure he did everything to rescue his niece, but after that he never once looked that she is okay.. or if Raine is ok..
So yes, all in all one can't say he is a bad Father because he was never a Father and didn't know about Squall..
But he sure as hell is a bad Husband!
(and I say that as someone who looooves 8 and also likes Laguna)

With 10.. it is also complicated. Jecht? Jekkt? Well, I go with German writing, so excuse me please.
Anyway, Jekkt never really spend time with Tidus. He was always playing Blitzball, getting drunk, making fun of his Son when he tried to do the Things he could do...
He loved his wife, he spent much time with her, when he was there.. But because of this Tidus always thought that he took her away from him..

He stayed in Spira, because there was no sure way back. So he didn't really have a Choice and he choose to become the next Sin so that at least Auron could have probably a normal life.. I would say this, but this is not stated clearly.

On the other Hand, he let Auron make the promise that he will protect his Son in his stead, so it shows that he thought it possible on the other Hand to go back to Zanarkand and just.. prefered to let someone else do the protecting..

And Auron did protect Tidus. Maybe Jekkt didn't thing he would do any good and that was his big place to shine (I am not sure anymore what he said by that scene).

So, can you say he is a bad father.. well, he certainly wasn't a good one. But he loved his son, that much was clear and in the End he tried to the best thing he could think off..

So really, I really like both Characters.. but I sure as hell wouldn't one of them in my Family, let alone as a father..

<- elyanley, who is on a Guest-Computer and to lazy to log in

2 Points Flag
mewfan151 commented at 2011-07-10 08:01:12 » #805280

Well, finally, someone able to Clear up the Jecht issues that I was too lazy to Google...

And I was pretty sure that Jecht promised someone he wouldn't Drink after some event or another...
Could be very wrong about that though...
Elyanley, thank you for clearing the Jecht bit up...

I did play 8, and I DO like laguna, but my favourite VIII person is Zell...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-26 19:22:21 » #859615

Tidus is s shitty son in the first place. Squall doesn't seem much better.

4 Points Flag