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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-29 05:29:23 » #600168

guys calling fit girls fat... and people wonder why so many girls die before they reach their "sweet 16".

i'd love to slaughter every guy who insults someone over their appearance, i think its justified, considering those same guys cause the deaths of countless girls just by insulting them like that.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-16 08:46:01 » #656402

Anon #600168 is a fat girl.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-27 19:04:58 » #670811

^lol yes
i mean it's a fictional character for gods sake.

2 Points Flag
Anime4usall commented at 2011-04-10 07:56:24 » #689263

omg realy Anon #656402? She has a point looks arnt everything and the fact that guys and everyone in general put so much Pressure on girls to be skinny and fit is causing deaths around the world if its not Killing them selfs its Malnutrition and anorexia so why dont you and everyone who is a judgemental Bitch shut up... gawd the world sucks ass

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-10 08:47:15 » #689284

Meh , those girls put the pressure on themselves. The want those boys that like the toothpick girls so they starve to death to be that . There are plenty of Men who like women whose bones don't show through their chests.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-02-15 13:39:55 » #1003569

Only someone idiotic and crazy would starve themselves to death and I'd say good riddance. Too crazy to live because of 'pressure'? Maybe they should put you into a mental ward. The nature has ways of making sure we evolve and not become a bunch of madmen.

3 Points Flag