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Xima commented at 2007-10-16 17:48:25 » #1225

That scene was epic lol for me. It's especially funny when you rape the psycho fetus in the ass with an SMG. I loved SH 3. I really only liked SH 2 for PH and the later Prison and Labyrinth areas and the glorious mindfuck that ensued. Never played The Room or the first, alas. I has a PS3 (Yes, I know I'm an fail, but I'm a consumer whore, dammit. PS3 exclusives LIKE DISGAEA 3 FUCK YEAH are what got me to spend 600 bucks to spend even MOAR cash), so I suppose it will be my duty to tell everyone who doesn't want to spend 600 bucks on a PS3 what the hell happens. Fmee.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2007-11-10 16:10:58 » #2015

What the hell are you talking about? PS3 kicks so much ass!

11 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2007-11-10 16:28:35 » #2017

True, true. Why else would I have payed about 650 for one? But a couple of million X-tards would disagree hardcore, apparently, from what I've gathered when I tell 'em about the PS3.

4 Points Flag
SeriousGod commented at 2007-11-11 13:18:34 » #2057

I have a Ps3 to, and a Wii. I haven't been enjoying any of the games for them particulay much though (not counting stuff for VC, but that can only get you so far...) my favourite console right now is the DS, Megaman ZXA ftw. I have high hopes for SM galaxy and Assasins Creed to breath some new life into those other consoles though. Also I'm a total wuss for horror so I haven't played any Silent Hill games.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2007-11-11 15:44:58 » #2063

I just bought playstation 3 for $399, so no freaking complaints. Although I'm waiting for cheap blu-ray burner, and a modchip. I can wait for more games to come out. Though I'm very happy with what I have. I guess I can wait till Final Fantasy Versus XIII comes out, which at the end of the year. =D

3 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2007-11-11 16:12:54 » #2064

SeriousGod, I want your babies. I have a PS3, along with a Wii. And I have to politely disagree thar. Ratchet and Clank Future is GOLD. ZXA is glorious, Assassins Creed gives me premature ejaculation, and I suck with horror games, too. Unless I haxxor them. Then I just go "Fuck it" and blow them straight to hell. Although SH5 appears to have a more combat-friendly feel, so that'll be good.

1 Points Flag
SeriousGod commented at 2007-11-12 09:24:51 » #2103

well I live in Europe so the only reason I have MegamanZXA now and not 6 months from now (megaman games are particulary slow, also KH2 took about 5 months I think) is cause I imported it. Turns out though R&CF:tod came out 3 days ago so I guess I could pick it up, but I'd rather wait til friday when Mario Galaxy and Assassins Creed comes out. I also need to pick up Metroid Prime 3 I guess...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-15 21:02:00 » #438162

^These comments are really weird...

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-10 21:01:41 » #615747

What's weirder is; this pic turns me on.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-01 11:07:05 » #940241

Now Heather sees what happens when you go to Silent Hill. You get mind fucked by sick demented evil, impregnating you. Then you violently puke up the bloody demon fetus and die drowning in your own blood. Good times in Silent Hill.

2 Points Flag