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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-03 01:13:55 » #567492

God I hate Jin. He's such an asshole.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-03 04:55:39 » #567692

Jin being as asshole aside, GREEN eyelashes?! Something not right there...

5 Points Flag
ISJI commented at 2011-01-03 09:27:47 » #567849

According to tvtropes.net (the same source who dubbed Hazama THE GOD OF TROLLS) Jin Kisaragi is the God of Assholes.
and that means that no character in tv,anime,movies,theater,books and games ever reached this level of assholery. just like Hazama with Trolling and absolute immorality

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-04 16:06:50 » #569535

Before I played BlazBlue, I was thinking he was going to be somewhat like Ky in role JUST because of the character design. I have never EVER been more wrong in my entire life.

5 Points Flag
Zoku374 commented at 2011-01-12 17:11:53 » #579161

Sasuke's an even bigger asshole than this guy. In fact, SASUKE should be the God of Assholes, not Jin. Just look at Naruto Chapters 483-485 and you'll see what I mean.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-17 00:55:21 » #623147

sasuke? naw, as far as I'm informed about naruto story (almost nothing actually) sasuke probably is the "any means necessary to archive goal" kind of asshole, jin is an asshole just for the fuck of it. Hell, he also, as sasuke did, wants to kill his brother, but he loves the idea of doing so. what a bastard

2 Points Flag
Zoku374 commented at 2011-02-17 16:13:43 » #623774

Anon 4, Sasuke's so easy to manipulate, and so is "Mr. Hero" pictured above. But I think Sasuke's the bigger asshole than Jin. He even ditched his own two teammates (Suigetsu and Jugo) and stabbed one of them (Karin) while being a hostage later on against Danzo. Jin's a big bastard, sure, but, I mean at least he cares about Tsubaki and a few others. Tvtropes failed BIG TIME labeling the Asshole God.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-26 04:02:24 » #634227

Also, if it wasn't for the fact Noel reminded him of something about the Yukianesa (or his imouto), I'd think he'd treat Noel well.

The only reason he rages about Ragna and Noel is one thing; less love.

0 Points Flag
Zoku374 commented at 2011-02-26 12:10:25 » #634482

Not quite. They (Sasuke and Jin) both had really screwed up childhoods. Jin was possessed by Terumi/Hazama, who was also an asshole, so it's kind of a good excuse. Well hey, he had his moments of kindness, and so did Sasuke, but he always steals the reputation of others.

Sasuke on the other hand, as mentioned before, did have a bad past, but his obsession with revenge makes him a bigger prick as the Naruto series goes on. There's a reason why fans hate him. A lot

3 Points Flag
Zoku374 commented at 2011-03-22 10:14:28 » #663574

Hell, Sasuke was an asshole long before Jin appeared, but he was less so at that time.

0 Points Flag