Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: out of prime?
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mushroomtip1 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
user_avatar out of prime?
Posted on: 01/08/25 05:40PM

I didn't thing this would ever happen, but this website has surpassed rule34.
That site is filled to the brim with Ai generated low quality content and is horribly tagged. Making the blacklist tage almost useless. It has a bot that constantly reuploades posts that are already up.

I now only use this site and rule34video. Rule34 is bland. Im proud of this brother/sister site for not going into the gutter.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6419
Posted on: 01/08/25 05:45PM

Clickbait title.

Try not to do that.

Edit: You changed the title. That's better.

Gyarus4Life - Group: Member - Total Posts: 199
Posted on: 01/08/25 05:46PM

You forgot about all the racial supremacy crap there too. That, the AI spam, and the mods there not deleting obvious edits (skin/tattoo) is primarily why I made an account here.

RomanticDevil - Group: Member - Total Posts: 87
Posted on: 01/08/25 05:54PM

When did Rule become racist?

VIZARD_ - Group: Member - Total Posts: 605
Posted on: 01/08/25 05:59PM

It's been racist especially with the dumb bbc comments you see 247 and those awful race edits

mushroomtip1 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
New Era
Posted on: 01/08/25 06:46PM

Gyarus4Life said:
You forgot about all the racial supremacy crap there too. That, the AI spam, and the mods there not deleting obvious edits (skin/tattoo) is primarily why I made an account here.

Yes, Gyarus. The spam is crazy. I actually didn't see much racial supremacy. I guess the minus hyper pen tagged worked.

RomanticDevil said:

When did Rule become racist?

Its always been a little bit. Not to the extent of sankaku. You probably didn't see it much back then because you used to be able to vote down a comment. When something got super negative it dissapeared.

Anyway. I made this thread to give appreciation for the mods for not letting this site go to hell.

HugeTiddyEnthusiast - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1211
Posted on: 01/08/25 07:29PM

Idk what you mean by prime. That place was always filthy.

If only those sankaku complex assholes didn't legirlt try to nickel and dime users to get basic functionality like multitag searches, I'd still be on there.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6419
Posted on: 01/08/25 07:55PM

Rule has always been "dead" to me because it has scat, guro, abortion, fart, etc. and doesn't have rules to prevent excess cringey RP comments.

AI-generated art doesn't bother me nearly as much as they sick shit they allow.

It's still a great site for content, but I could never really stick around there too long because I detest what it stands for. Which is to say, truly degenerate concepts that should never be used for porn.

doopaboop - Group: Member - Total Posts: 23
Posted on: 01/08/25 08:23PM

It's almost anarchy over there.
You'll find just about anything whether you want to or not, the tagging isn't great to put it lightly.

Speaking of tags, it's a little better than the other Rule34 ( when it comes to tagging since it's not restricted to character/franchise/artist tags.
But that's about the only advantage it has over the other one, everything else feels more crude and unfiltered. Especially the uploads.

"" always felt like the official rule34 website to me, where-as "xxx" feels more like a slimy bootleg version with less restrictions. (For better or worse, usually worse.)

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6419
Posted on: 01/08/25 08:28PM

I have almost never visited paheal. It's kind of weird that it even exists to me.

I've always viewed it as worse, because it just didn't feel as good to browse that, but someone else would have to confirm that for me.

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