Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: what is pool relationships?
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RirukaDoku - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
what is pool relationships?
Posted on: 01/04/25 04:31PM

hi, im new, wanted to know what it means when i see it next to faves in a post, some post dont have it

Alkin - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 1357
Posted on: 01/04/25 04:41PM

When 2 pools love each other

Menace5 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 144
Posted on: 01/04/25 04:50PM

It means the image is part of a "pool", a user-generated collection of images

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 713
Posted on: 01/07/25 10:37PM

It is a collection of images, you can see examples of pools if you click on the pool tab at the top, or if you are on phone, in the menu on top.

They are created by people who wants to collect a specific group of images, like wanting to make a "nice water" group of images with water you think looks nice

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