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It would be about how a bunch of assholes on internet almost drove me to suicide over, among other things, fictional villains, misundertandings or just plain abusive behavior
One is just to see some of my Robotech fanfiction animated. Some is prequel material that organizes the setting more consistently and slides a little closer to hard sci-fi than the show was, some is my sequel material.
More interesting to you guys probably, is the series I came up with recently, following a young man and some friends and acquaintances who, after the economic collapse of civilization and takeover by a feckless totalitarian dictatorship, carve a free independent country out of... Western Pennsylvania. I even have the last couple episodes and especially the finale almost photographically envisioned in my head. And that involves hand-to-hand combat on Pittsburgh's 10th Street Bridge.
For live action: I want a space-opera show that has the writing of Star Trek: Next Generation and Deepspace Nine mixed with the fight choreography and costume work of a 1990s to early 2000s Tokusatsu show.
For animated: probably an adaptation of one of my favorite comic books runs/storylines; I don't know which one to pick right now, though.
- Group: I do edits sometimes. - Total Posts: 1672
Pqoeiuxka said: It would be about how a bunch of assholes on internet almost drove me to suicide over, among other things, fictional villains, misundertandings or just plain abusive behavior
important docu-series must be made. Will she have enough energy to go to a local political riot? She a Reddit mod? ResetEra contributor? Stay after these sponsored messages to take a dive into the amazing world of gumball
I have always wanted to see a sitcom that portrays teenagers and young adults as they actually are in real life, kind of how Harmony Korine writes characters. Today’s lax censorship regulations would be pretty ideal for something like that, but I always hated stuff like That 70’s Show or Family Matters that make everything idealistic and resolves all the relationships with everyone loving each other in the end.
Also, something like the older seasons of Family guy, but for modern audiences, with cultural references for Gen-Y-Z to laugh at, instead of Mcfarlane’s obsessive love for KISS and Star Wars jokes…