Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.
I don't want to burst your bubble tea there,chum..but if I ever tell you to dig around the anime fandom wiki,and learn more about the loli'll find that the toxicity in the comments section is insanely high (almost as high as sancuck's)
gulabjamuns said: Might just be me, but I always got the feeling that a lot of people commenting on wiki fansites are on the very young side
You aren't wrong, only a child would feel like commenting in the wiki, and I guess that's the type of users fandom tries to capture and form some sort of social media site, any decent enough adult goes there, reads what he needs and leaves, meanwhile kids are quite unpredictable on what they will want to do
Also, responding to OP's question, people with too much free time dealing with Fandoms crap (both the company and the community) will easily develop a shit response to stupid things they have seen before and have to delete because that's their day to day deal , at least for the popular stuff, I have no experience with someone "managing" a niche page.
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