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Now Viewing: Adult woman jealous of a Kyojiri Loli.
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Kyojiri_Rori_Enjoyer - Group: Member - Total Posts: 37
Adult woman jealous of a Kyojiri Loli.
Posted on: 01/02/25 10:57AM

Does anyone know of a drawing in which an adult woman is jealous of a loli because the loli has a bigger butt than her? I looked a lot, but I managed to find an image like that, and unfortunately I can't afford to pay an artist to draw it for me.

Kyojiri_Rori_Enjoyer - Group: Member - Total Posts: 37
Posted on: 01/02/25 11:00AM

Oh, I almost forgot: Preferably, the loli should actually be a child. It's fine with me if it's an adult loli like Tatsumaki, but I'd really like to see this with a loli whose character is a child. But i Will Be grateful anyway.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 713
Posted on: 01/02/25 11:34AM

If you find any please tag them with ass_envy, that tag is dead empty, and since oppai_loli + breast_envy has less than a single page of images I don't think this will be easy to find for you

Menace5 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 144
Posted on: 01/02/25 11:59AM

There's a pinned thread for requests: forum #2825

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