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Now Viewing: Do you REALLY know Breast Sizes?
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Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 11/25/23 06:44PM

Maybe replace peaches with tangerines and mangos with oranges so it is all citric.

Oppai_chan - Group: Member - Total Posts: 264
Posted on: 11/25/23 07:35PM

Orphan_crippler said:
As a gigantic enjoyer I have problems identifying when something can be seen as too much or even grotesque, many of my posts had to be retagged from huge_ to gigantic_ and some of my large_ to huge_

I think the tagging wiki has a fairly intuitive definition of huge_breasts and gigantic_breasts based on head sizes. Anything head-sized to double head-sized is "huge," and anything more than double the size of the woman's head is "gigantic." When I upload a woman with boobs straddling that line, I just include both tags.

But as a fellow enjoyer of gigantic_breasts, where things get frustrating for me is the upper limit of breast sizes allowable on this site. I find the definition of what is "too big" is arbitrarily defined and inconsistently enforced. I also have to question why cartoonishly enormous breasts are considered "grotesque" and banned, as if they are just as bad as the actual ethically repugnant content like CP, guro, and bestiality. Extra-gigantic breasts are silly and unrealistic, but hentai isn't supposed to be realistic; they're just harmless fun and unreasonably maligned in the Terms of Service, IMO. But I don't make the rules...

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Post #1996
Posted on: 11/25/23 08:11PM

The whole little bottled up tirade on how "Rebecca destroyed the definition of loli forever" was just pretty cringe. You seem like you're smoldering over something that's really not a big deal. The reason you sound like you're on a high horse is because you seem to think everyone should to abide to a strict definition to what a loli is, even when the definition itself is pretty loose in that it doesn't necessarily relate to age or character maturity.

Anyway, I'm of the opinion people should be allowed to call Rebecca a loli since she's close enough in that range. She's petite, short, cute, and looks the youngest relative to the main cast. That's grounds enough to make her closer to a loli-archetype than she is another popular mold of a female character. It doesn't have to be super accurate. I believe if it's just used as a casual term of endearment and not used as a means to prosecute or shittalk something, it's not a big deal.

David Martinez is a 17 year old high school student. When Rebecca is introduced, she looks younger than him by a significant margin. She looks like she could be his younger sister, which would place her under the age of 16. When the main gang is out doing their cyberpunk thing, Rebecca looks like the kid of the group. I don't see how it doesn't register to you that an anime character like her can at least be loli-adjacent.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 11/26/23 12:33PM

Oppai_chan said:
But as a fellow enjoyer of gigantic_breasts, where things get frustrating for me is the upper limit of breast sizes allowable on this site. I find the definition of what is "too big" is arbitrarily defined and inconsistently enforced. I also have to question why cartoonishly enormous breasts are considered "grotesque" and banned, as if they are just as bad as the actual ethically repugnant content like CP, guro, and bestiality. Extra-gigantic breasts are silly and unrealistic, but hentai isn't supposed to be realistic; they're just harmless fun and unreasonably maligned in the Terms of Service, IMO. But I don't make the rules...

Same, I just don't understand why even delete them, I find morbid obesity and inflation way more grotesque but I can find it just as easily, why do other sites have no problem with boobs bigger than bodies but this site does? Even e621 allows this stuff and they do not need a new tag because hyper_* already covers it. Gigantic_* should be the same.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Moving on for real
Posted on: 11/27/23 07:15AM

I'm done talking about the definition of loli. I said what I said. Japan wins for now. Going forward.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/27/23 07:35AM

I wasn't aware certain gigantic_breasts didn't pass the vibe check here. Interesting. I'm sorry yall can't enjoy them like us large breasts lovers and the rest.

For me personally. The idea of a breast being so big it could easily delete a baby. Just doesn't come off as appealing. I'm not a fan of obese looking bodies. I can appreciate when characters are drawn thiccer or just slightly bigger. I always appreciate when artist draw Uraraka Ochako (from My_hero_academia) with some meat on her bones. Since that's how she was originally drawn in the manga. But some chief animator had his way, with how she'd look in the anime. And now her body looks like every other girls for the most part. Horikoshi Kouhei flat out said at some point. Paraphrasing here: "I wanted her to stand out. So I made her a little chubby."

I like the idea of a Breasts to Melon Index lol

Nightfall_Yeh - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 11/30/23 09:12AM

You just don't get the massive oppai hustle

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/30/23 11:38PM

Nightfall_Yeh said:
You just don't get the massive oppai hustle

You got me there. I don't lol

xx-Aero_Attack-xx - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6
Honest Opinion
Posted on: 12/05/23 10:42PM

I'm sticking with big; they can't be too large or too small, just enough mass for some action.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 12/06/23 10:55PM

xx-Aero_Attack-xx said:
I'm sticking with big; they can't be too large or too small, just enough mass for some action.

That's interesting. Didn't think anyone would label breast like that, at this juncture.When you think about it, "Big" is a pretty vague descriptor. What about when you have, a flat chested character vs a small breasted character? Wouldn't technically the small chested character be considered, "Big" in this scenario? This could lead to confusion, when this same character is in the same picture as a large breasted character(s). I think medium covers what you think "big" to be. Big could be medium-large. But that just creates another size, like Very-Large or Very-Huge. Also some people may consider "Big" to be "Large". I think breast drawn to be hidden behind hands and arms are medium. Hands or arms that can't possibly cover a single breast or peek out from the side or from behind the back, should be considered large. I don't think you can get backboob from medium breasts. Even though Medium Breasts are somewhat big. Relatively speaking.

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