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Now Viewing: Do you REALLY know Breast Sizes?
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Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Do you REALLY know Breast Sizes?
Posted on: 11/20/23 02:36AM

I think site design-wise. There needs to be a Breast Tag Size Reference Sheet. Too many people (virgins and lolicons/flatchest lovers)(no disrespect) do/don't know or just don't tag the correct breast size for posts. Every imageboard should have this, I think. Could be helpful.

Imagine all you go to look at is small breasts. When you do come across bigger breasts. They all look huge to you now, because of some conscious/unconscious bias. The opposite scenario could also happen. You only like huge breasts. A Flatchest may not count as having breast at all to you.(They don't by the way. Hence the tag name flatchest and not flat breast.) But I digress. What do yall think?

Mderms - Group: I do edits sometimes. - Total Posts: 1384
Posted on: 11/20/23 03:00AM

90% of taggers here can't define loli good luck with that.

Theres also like, 6 different tags for all the breast sizes, no need to split hairs.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
sorry for any typos
Posted on: 11/20/23 03:35AM

Mderms said:
90% of taggers here can't define loli good luck with that.

Theres also like, 6 different tags for all the breast sizes, no need to split hairs.

I know lol. I just thought if we could get more people on a somewhat same level of understanding. Maybe we'd make some progress towards getting on the same page when it comes tothia topic/issue.

Also Cyberpunk edgerunners rewrote the definition of loli. And I hate the show's creators for doing that.

But let's stay on topic.

Breasts. What do you and the people think counts as small, medium and large? Let's start with small.

Me first.
Small breast actually stick out from chest as lumps. If the chest is all nipple, its flat. While they can be mixed up or mistaken for Medium sized breasts. They can never be mixed up with Large Breasts. I think small breast casts the smallest shadow. Can be easily hidden with a hand-bra. And do not obscure the feet from view when looking down. And lastly can NOT create cleavage generally speaking. At least not without some type of assistance. Such as being squeezed together with two hands, super tight bra and or bandages.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 11/20/23 09:39AM

The current wiki guidelines work fine enough. More taggers just need to bother to read them. A custom made visual guide would be more useful, I agree, but it would require someone with artistic skill to create a seperate art piece.

I don't see what virginity has anything to do with it, though. I can see the angle of "too much hentai, not enough experience with real women's bodies" in some instances of improperly tagging images, but simply using your eyes, reading the guidelines, and not being a total idiot means even a child could tag them properly.

There are some dumb and annoying hardcore lolicons (who are most likely virgins) who go "eww, gross and disgusting cowtits, completely unfuckable." to a girl that has anything bigger than a B/C cup, so maybe you're right in that aspect.

Also Cyberpunk edgerunners rewrote the definition of loli. And I hate the show's creators for doing that.

One anime character cannot possibly "rewrite the definition of a loli".

Rebecca is a bit different from your typical loli (she has wide hips and is over 18, unlike other lolis who are typically underaged and have the hips of a child) but it's still fair game to classify her as a loli.

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 908
Posted on: 11/20/23 09:39AM

There's too much subjectiveness in sizes.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 11/20/23 09:42AM

That too. It's a fairly subjective subject, therefore what we have is good enough.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Nobody describes shota as a body type. The same should be for loli. Here's Why.
Posted on: 11/20/23 01:41PM

SadSap said:
That too. It's a fairly subjective subject, therefore what we have is good enough.

Damn. I reallllly didn't want to go down this route....

After the Cyberpunk Edgerunners Rebecca controversy. Several decades of the community having a somewhat same page understanding, of what "loli" meant. Went right out the window. Most old skool japanophile/weebs, painfully know how vague the Japanese love to be about any subject. With mainstream anime boom of the last 20 years, it was only a matter of time before some major or minor (no pun intended) goal post shifting was gonna happen.

Personally for me. Loli is NOT a body type. Let's start there.

It's only when the adjective "oppai" is added do we know without a doubt what type of character we're dealing with, body-wise. Hence "oppai loli."

Loli is not a originally created Japanese or Chinese term. Loli is shorten version of a borrowed word, from the French. That French word being, "Lolita". From a famous book called Lolita. Short summary of the book: It's about a dude who becomes obsessed with a very young underaged girl. Adopts her and then wants to do not legal stuff to her.

Lolita style as we generally know, is also type of fashion. where older girls dress like baby dolls from the Victorian Era. It blew up in in the last 30 years or so and has since evolved, into trends like Gothic Lolita.

What do I define "Loli" as? There are sites/imageboards that will back this up such as SanCom Sankaku Complex .

A loli is a young underage girl. Generally under the age of 12. Who has yet to go through puberty. To use this definition as a "body type". Turns every short person in Anime and manga into a loli. Which would be dumb. And would eliminate the ability to identify, when a character is a child versus an adult. I mean if you want reset things and identify all those short women with boobs in that one folder as children. Do you I guess? The Draph race are lolis now, because height. <- sarcasm btw
So in closing...Jk

So what about Rebecca then? Rebecca is a Pettanko.
This term too has recently been redefined. And I hate that. Simply because it's original definition made too much sense.
A pettanko is flatchested woman. What was the last word? Woman. Not a child/girl. Woman.
A pettanko is a flatchested adult female who has a underdeveloped chest. Point blank period. I initially read the term as "petite woman." I've also utilized the tag for reading h manga, for years. Just so I could identify/differentiate stories involving adult women from lolis. And that still works til this day. However for imageboards it's becoming hassle. Because people want to use the term interchangeably with loli. I hate that. Moving on.

Rebecca is an adult, with developed hips, small breasts. And is literally first introduced in a bar. And soon after Giving a guy handjob, for distraction purposes.
Rebecca is Pettanko. Not a loli.

So what about characters like those 1000 year old lolis? Like Frieren? sigh
Yeah that's that good ol Japanese vague azz fckery. This concept is where the confusion started. Instead of making up a term to identify these types. Weebs eventually came up with "Legal Loli." Which is sooo much better than nothing. Thanks Japan. I got no issue with Legal Loli. By all means please utilize this tag/term.

But to lump all Adult-aged characters who happen to be short and have a underdeveloped body type from the norm. Under the term loli is just wrong and confusing.

This "legal" part backs up my earlier stated definition of loli. By simply implying that regular lolis are not of age. Aka legally recognized underaged fictional children.
Loli is not a body type. It's a term that defines the age of a character. Same as Shota. If there's shota for boys. There's loli for girls. Otherwise you'd have to say Shota is a body type too. And guess what? Nobody out here, is talking about shota as a bodytype. Rebecca isn't any more a loli than Krillin is a shota.

I rest my fkn case your honor.

Now can we get back to the boobs discussion? ofc not. But we should. Twas the point of this this thread.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Post number 1954, the year the first Godzilla movie was released.
Posted on: 11/20/23 06:15PM

I'm sorry but you just posted cringe. Please don't be cringe.

It's really not that serious. I understand the frustration of some people misinterpreting loli to comical levels to fulfill their agenda, but most of those people are arguing in bad faith and you can safely ignore those idiots. Most people who understand what a loli aren't splitting hairs over Rebecca being called a loli because she's just a drop in the bucket.

Rebecca may technically be a "pettanko" but calling her a loli as a quick shorthand isn't the end of the world. She looks a lot younger than her teammates, and at first glance she does kind of look like a little girl. Pettanko isn't a well known term at all, and doesn't roll quite as well off the tongue.

Also character age isn't relevant. Haven't you heard the 1000 year old dragon stereotype? Those characters are clearly lolis even if they've lived much longer than the oldest person alive. It is definitely a bodytype thing moreso than an age thing.

And again you still fail to realize the truthful point of "one single character cannot change the collective meaning of loli". There are hundreds of loli characters that have been invented in this year alone. Lolis aren't going anywhere, and the meaning of Loli isn't going to be changed outside of normies and anime first-timers.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/20/23 09:44PM

SadSap said:
I'm sorry but you just posted cringe. Please don't be cringe.

Also character age isn't relevant. Haven't you heard the 1000 year old dragon stereotype? Those characters are clearly lolis even if they've lived much longer than the oldest person alive. It is definitely a bodytype thing moreso than an age thing.

Cringe is not taking responsibility for the can of worms you opened. I just wanted to discuss breast sizes.

Also the fact that you asked if I heard of 1000 year old lolis lol Tells me you didn't bother to read past a certain point. To see that I dedicated a whole paragraph to that very question.(see paragraph under third spoiler.)

That's cringe in my book. If you're going to debate. Don't tldr a response. Yeah I wrote a bit, I'll admit. But I just wanted to state my case. Throughly. I'm leaving feelings out of it best I can. And sticking to things that can be looked up, through multiple sources.
Lastly I'm not splitting hairs. I'm calling out copium.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 11/20/23 10:29PM

More like on high horse.

The term and means are changing over time.
"Based" is a notoriois example for that.

Yes, back during the book's prime does mean underrage, then it also means a type of fashion based on the book.
Now it's about short flat-chested characters who are mostly child-like appearence or rarely baba thanks to many turn of events. Whatever that character is really who we are believing.
So yeah, loli is also a body type, whatever you like it or not.

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