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Now Viewing: What's your favourite fruit
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BRANLIX2000 - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 11/18/23 02:47AM

mmm banana

Maximinimal - Group: Member - Total Posts: 842
Posted on: 11/18/23 03:25AM

BRANLIX2000 said:
mmm banana

EvilPopTart - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 12/13/23 05:17PM

As a very basic boi, oranges. I happen to be (mildly) allergic to a bunch of other fruit (apples, peaches, cherries), and I like juicy oranges.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2788
Posted on: 12/13/23 06:24PM

Melons, any type.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 12/13/23 10:41PM

Mango with graham powder slush milk.

wock - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 12/16/23 12:12AM

I enjoy plums on a regular basis to keep it abuck

Strahan - Group: Member - Total Posts: 81
Posted on: 12/30/23 06:49PM

Ohh yea, plums. I almost said raspberries, but I forgot plums. But only if they are *rock* hard. I love sour things, and rock hard plums are nice and tart. Especially if you cut it open and the flesh is dark red. I dunno what the difference is between the yellow flesh and red fleshed plums, but the reds are soooo much more sour. It's great.

I like my fruit like I like my anime girls; underdeveloped lol. I find I like it best before they ripen. White tinged raspberries and strawberries, rock hard plums and apricots, slightly green bananas (just slightly, very green ones make my mouth really dry lol). Peaches are an exception. Rock hard peaches taste like biting into wood or something, lol. Gotta have a slight give when you press on it to be sure it'll be sweet. Oh, and kiwis. Also rock hard, and the hair is my favorite part. My nephew was aghast that I didn't peel the hairy part and discard. There are times when they start to get slightly soft that I peel the hair and discard the flesh and just eat the hairy part lol. Pineapple is also great, but the bromelaine (or however that is spelled) really does a number on my tongue if I eat a lot in one sitting heh.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 12/31/23 09:50AM

Strahan said:
I like my fruit like I like my anime girls; underdeveloped lol.


I like my anime girls overdeveloped, if ya know what I mean. Though I don't like overripe fruits. Soggy apples, bananas with brown spots, etc. are gross to me.

Strahan - Group: Member - Total Posts: 81
Posted on: 01/07/24 12:18PM

SadSap said:
Strahan said:
I like my fruit like I like my anime girls; underdeveloped lol.


I like my anime girls overdeveloped, if ya know what I mean. Though I don't like overripe fruits. Soggy apples, bananas with brown spots, etc. are gross to me.

When it comes to kinks, we're diametrically opposite lol. Chicks like your avatar are "ew" for me. I don't have a problem with tits, I just don't like droopy ones (even if that's the more realistic representation). Sometimes I wonder if some of these artists have seen a real woman naked when I see art with decently large tits defying gravity lol That's the main reason I'm a lolicon. I am not attracted to youth at all; in fact, the youth tends be a problem because my other fetish is public hair (light patches, not 70s porn bush heh). I just like when breasts are very slight and firm. is an example of the perfect body to me.

But for fruit, yea, overripe fruit is gross AF. Also I dunno if it's related to ripeness, but I hate when watermelon gets that grainy texture. Yuck.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8482
Posted on: 01/07/24 12:33PM

Strahan said:

I like em big and smol, and sometimes even droopy. And pubes are my jam too.

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