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Now Viewing: What's your favourite fruit
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Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
What's your favourite fruit
Posted on: 11/17/23 09:09AM

Ya read the title, what is it ! Tell me ! TELL MEEEEE

No, mayonnaise isn't a fruit

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8487
Posted on: 11/17/23 09:16AM

Green apple.

I would swear you made this question thread before, what's next, favorite color?

Mixed_Bread - Group: Member - Total Posts: 776
Posted on: 11/17/23 10:01AM

I really like blueberries, strawberries too. Maybe some cherries.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Posted on: 11/17/23 10:59AM

I think I'm going to have to go with Apple.

Very basic, sure, but I tend to snack on them the most.

ookami741 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 57
Posted on: 11/17/23 12:34PM

Persimmon is number one. Sadly, rare to find here. Melon is great too, the smaller and more fleshy type in particular.
Dates and figs win for the category of dried fruits. They make for great snacks.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Posted on: 11/17/23 12:36PM

ookami741 said:
Persimmon is number one.

First time I have ever heard of this fruit. What does it taste like, and why do you like it?

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1623
Posted on: 11/17/23 12:38PM


ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8487
Posted on: 11/17/23 12:39PM

ookami741 said:
Persimmon is number one.

We are talking about fruits here not Digimon pal.

ookami741 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 57
Posted on: 11/17/23 12:43PM

SadSap said:
First time I have ever heard of this fruit. What does it taste like, and why do you like it?

It's sweet in taste when ripe enough. Very soft and squishy, comparable to a well-riped peach in texture. Lots of juice in it. About the size of an apple. With no annoying pits or core, nothing to peel either, everything edible. I can recommend giving them a try if you can find them in a store. Don't forget to let em ripe to a point you can push in the surface.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Posted on: 11/17/23 12:55PM

ookami741 said:
It's sweet in taste when ripe enough. Very soft and squishy, comparable to a well-riped peach in texture. Lots of juice in it. About the size of an apple. With no annoying pits or core, nothing to peel either, everything edible. I can recommend giving them a try if you can find them in a store. Don't forget to let em ripe to a point you can push in the surface.

Quite interesting.

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