Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Should upvotes matter?
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ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8483
Posted on: 11/18/23 11:11AM

Alkin said:
post #5544668

Some things never change.

Alkin - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 1057
Posted on: 11/18/23 11:16AM

ThePigeon said:
Some things never change.

Like you being the biggest fnaf fan, Pomni lover and hater of the Megaman franchise.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 11/18/23 01:13PM

Again, our subjective quality standards are not and aren't intended to be representative of what the userbase wants. A post having a lot of upvotes does not mean that it meets our subjective quality standards.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Posted on: 11/18/23 03:06PM

Alkin said:
That totally almost never happens, there are just like 20 posts in the top which are clearly a joke from mods or a random troll.

Mods and Admins should've definitely cleaned it up, by reversing what seemed like bot upvotes, but they didn't. Seems to me that they don't take stock in upvotes at all.

That's where mods job enters, of course if it is a post that breaks the rules it's gonna be deleted, that's exactly why I emphasized so much SUBJECTIVE deletion reasons such as this one which I accidentally found yesterday thanks to the last comment: (post #5544668). It had 184 upvotes, a comment complimenting the animation (with support of the community) and another one sad about the deletion of it. I'm not into furries and the animation is clearly not the best, but you can clearly see that the guy who did it definitely knows his stuff. It really makes me believe that the artist just chose to do it in a "paint style". It definitely didn't deserve to be deleted imo.

Uhhhhhh, that's a bad example to choose because that animation immediately struck me as very poor quality. Even putting aside my disdain for cartoon animals having intercourse, the animation looks like it was made in MS Paint. Or Flipnote. It looks very amatuerish.

Mods definitely make some bad decisions from time to time, but there's a forum thread to contest the decision to restore a deleted upload. Sometimes it works if the decision to delete it was a bad one.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 11/18/23 06:22PM

We don't have a way to differentiate between botted and legitimate upvotes. The only way we'd be able to "clean them up" would be to reset their scores to zero. With the way votes work, it would either be impossible for the legitimate users to upvote the post again, or it would be possible for all of the bot IP's to upvote again.

And in either case, they will still get botted again. There is no end.

A lot of these attacks aren't using proxies or VPN's, they're using botnets. Botnets effectively never run out of IP's. For all you know, a device on your network could even be part of the botnet, especially if you have any IoT devices. There is effectively no way to prevent them with the resources we have available.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Posted on: 11/18/23 06:44PM

Well when you put it like that, it sounds understandable. At first, it came across to me that you guys just didn't care to do anything.

But I think for blatantly obvious botting cases, like the currently top voted, you guys should reset their score to zero. Why not at least make an attempt to clear up the obvious cases of botting? If a really shit post gets a ridiculous amount of upvotes, more traction that the site could ever reasonably get, I think that's grounds enough to reset their scores to zero.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1623
Posted on: 11/18/23 07:30PM

Reset the mods to zero. That shouldn’t be hard. KITTY LITTER SPECIAL!!!!!

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