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Now Viewing: Make a game thread !
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Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
Make a game thread !
Posted on: 11/12/23 02:07PM

A genie (good genie) that really likes videogames will grant you a wish (bc you're epic) and will make a game with anything you wish for, no matter how complicated.

What'd you wish for !

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 11/12/23 02:15PM

You were reading my MegaMan game wish on the MegaMan thread?

Give me Half Life 3.

Mixed_Bread - Group: Member - Total Posts: 776
Posted on: 11/12/23 03:02PM

I'd like a battle of 1999 Castlevania game, but not in metroidvania form, stylish character action style.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 11/12/23 03:37PM

A Terraria-like sandbox Kirby game with GBC or GBA visual flare.
The bonus is that you can choose your race, all have their pros/cons: Borb, Waddle Dee, Bronto Burt and Bonkers.
More bosses than Terraria, and it's potato friendly because of course.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 11/12/23 03:38PM

I was about to submit a larger post about a game I would dream to make, but the title implies a "wish game" I'd like to play. So I'm going with that instead and save that for a future topic.

In that case, there are lots I could wish for, but off the top of my head:

-Open World Super Mario Game
-Mario, Sonic, and Megaman crossover game.
-Smash Ultimate 2 (no character or stage cuts, just new content and graphical improvements added upon the game)
-Symphony of the Night Remake
-Complete remakes of all eight Megaman X games.
-A pokemon game that doesn't suck hairy balls, and one that actually uses it's massively gigantic revenue as part of it's own budget.
-A Last Origin action JRPG console game (zero gacha elements)
-Mortal Kombat vs. Tekken
-Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter
-A new Marvel vs. Capcom
-A new Senran Kagura
-A new Metroid Game similar to Dread.

All of these have very high budgets and have top of the line AAA graphics. No microtransactions, no lootboxes, no battle passes, not even paid DLC. You buy the game once and that's all you have to pay.

I'm sure the rest of you would love to play all of these games. Or at least try them out.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 11/12/23 04:11PM

The second wish was already real by Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 11/12/23 04:21PM

Hee-Ho said:
The second wish was already real by Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.

Don't know what that game is, but I'm talking about an officially produced AAA game. Fangames don't interest me.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 11/12/23 04:41PM

I don't care who made it, as long as it's good.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 11/12/23 04:58PM

It's not really a wish thread if you can just go play it now.

Besides, it goes without saying that a game produced by the multi-million dollar companies they belong to would have a lot of benefits compared to a fan game. Particularly features like the graphics, voice acting, and online play.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1621
Posted on: 11/12/23 05:15PM

A VR MMO similar to The World in the .hack franchise

Pokemon online multiplayer

A rhythm game which makes use of all five digits rather than the three fingers + thumb layout that Beatmania IIDX and others do.

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