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Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2792
Posted on: 11/01/23 11:43PM


ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 11/01/23 11:44PM

Hee-Ho said:


Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
Posted on: 11/01/23 11:46PM

For a while I thought it was just Nami gone super Saiyan

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 11/01/23 11:51PM

Flamingo123 said:

Same face. Same body type. Same balloon titties. It checks out.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Posted on: 11/02/23 03:02AM

Yeah no, I'm going to have to cut in and say Yamato is a motherfucking woman.

Alkin, buddy, you've fallen into the twitter trap of listening to people obsessed with gender pronouns at the expense of basic observational skills. And I know there a lot of people who fall into this trap (or want to aggressively enforce the nonsense themselves) but it's one that makes no logical sense. I don't even know much about one piece, but reading/watching Yamato's backstory makes it very clear that the only reason she goes by "he/him" is because she's obsessed with mimicking everything about Kozuki Oden, a male samurai.

If Oden was a woman, Yamato would consider herself a woman.
If Oden was a dolphin, Yamato would consider herself a dolphin.

I get there's a fetish appeal of being attracted towards a clearly biological woman with massive fucking natural tiddies who somehow convinces everyone she's a manly man (which is probably why you're going along with it), but I still can't help but to cringe whenever I see people refer to Yamato as a man with he/him pronouns.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2792
Posted on: 11/02/23 05:01AM

Sometimes tomboys do call themselves boys, like femboys call themselves girls. Of fucking course I don't think she's transgender, that is just retarded.

Alkin - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 1058
Posted on: 11/02/23 08:23AM

SadSap said:
Alkin, buddy, you've fallen into the twitter trap of listening to people obsessed with gender pronouns at the expense of basic observational skills. And I know there a lot of people who fall into this trap (or want to aggressively enforce the nonsense themselves) but it's one that makes no logical sense. I don't even know much about one piece, but reading/watching Yamato's backstory makes it very clear that the only reason she goes by "he/him" is because she's obsessed with mimicking everything about Kozuki Oden, a male samurai.

I get there's a fetish appeal of being attracted towards a clearly biological woman with massive fucking natural tiddies who somehow convinces everyone she's a manly man (which is probably why you're going along with it), but I still can't help but to cringe whenever I see people refer to Yamato as a man with he/him pronouns.

First, I'm kinda against of making a big problem about gender identity, but in this case I'm totally fine because it is pretty simple: He says he is/feels like a man and no matter what the reason is I'll refer to him as one if that's what he prefers. He's not saying: I'm a man at 9 and whenever I feel like a woman you have to guess and call me by her and at 11:30 you have to refer to me as "hu/hum".

Yeah you got it right, mostly I go along with this because of my fetish (also because that's what he literally wants). I like him 10 times more just for considering himself a man XD so I have no plans in changing that, also he's a fictional character so more of a reason to NOT make a big deal out of it, but tbh it's pretty simple to understand. Call him however you like idc. I just find it kinda funny that it seems you are ready to have a debate about a fictional character's identity just because you find it cringe people online reffers to him as a man. If it was a real problem I'd understand, but this isn't the case. It's in the same level as who'd win in a fight between Goku and Naruto.

Maximinimal - Group: Member - Total Posts: 842
Posted on: 11/02/23 08:39AM

Will you be participating?

nah,I don't think I can do it this time,not especially when I got this stuck in my head for the last week

is it fair game if I tried to use her booba milk as a medicine for my "macadamia"?

BRANLIX2000 - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 11/02/23 10:02AM

Fuck nofap
And fuck the discourse above (alkin is based tho)

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 11/02/23 10:17AM

SadSap said:
Yamato is a motherfucking woman.

We know, we know. Let Alkin have his tomboy fantasy.

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