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Now Viewing: Corrupt a Wish Thread.
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ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
You get an F.
Posted on: 11/04/23 11:54PM

supremz said:
I wish for a loli to be my benevolent sex slave and have my children, then raise them herself.

Granted. It happens to you from a different universe/dimension, but hey, it happens.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
This should be fun
Posted on: 11/05/23 05:32PM

supremz said:
I wish for a loli to be my benevolent sex slave and have my children, then raise them herself.

Granted. The loli is a 200 pound orc with your grandmother's face, your dad's voice and has your mother's current fashion sense.

I wish I could instantly remember every forgotten password, I ever made.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
I didn't got my wish granted.
Posted on: 11/05/23 06:01PM

Jitoryohmaster said:

Granted. You can only use your new power once and they will appear on your mind for a fraction of a second.

I wish to have shapeshifting powers.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 11/05/23 06:02PM

Jitoryohmaster said:
I wish I could instantly remember every forgotten password, I ever made.

But you forget every username and email immediately

Wish I could overcome my porn addiction

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/05/23 06:28PM

ThePigeon said:
I wish to have shapeshifting powers.

Granted but every time you use your powers, you fart during the transformation. The smell gives away your location for 31 minutes.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/05/23 06:32PM

Orphan_crippler said:
Wish I could overcome my porn addiction

Granted. However your new equally toxic addiction is tumblr.

I wish I had a closet full of anime drip

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
I had to google wtf is drip.
Posted on: 11/05/23 06:52PM

Fart, funny.

Jitoryohmaster said:
I wish I had a closet full of anime drip

Granted, it is used anime drip, 3 times your size from only one BL anime.

I wish that every MC of every produced anime from now on have to be black and gay.


Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/05/23 07:21PM

ThePigeon said:
Fart, funny.

Jitoryohmaster said:
I wish I had a closet full of anime drip

Granted, it is used anime drip, 3 times your size from only one BL anime.

I wish that every MC of every produced anime from now on have to be black and gay.


Granted. Every MC is Black and Gay. However every MC's love interest looks like Kathleen Kennedy and is lame.

I wish South Park's Joining The Panderverse was required viewing in Schools, during Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. :)

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 11/05/23 07:23PM

Jitoryohmaster said:

Wish improved. Finally a representation of how true woman look in anime.

Jitoryohmaster said:
I wish South Park's Joining The Panderverse was required viewing in Schools, during Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. :)

I have not watched it, so I have to pass on this one, maybe the next genie can do something with that.

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Posted on: 11/06/23 06:07AM

I wish ThePigeon would watch South Park's Panderverse Special

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