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Now Viewing: Corrupt a Wish Thread.
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ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/29/23 04:51PM

DougDimmadome said:
Granted. But every time you activate your xray vision power, a loud announcer saying "pervert in the area" sounds 5 kilometers around you.

I wish I could eat anything I want and never feel full.

No problemo I still get a few seconds of heaven.

Granted. Everything now tastes like mud for you. Bon Appetit.

I want to be

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 577
Posted on: 10/29/23 05:09PM

DougDimmadome said:
I wish I could eat anything I want and never feel full.

That wish by itself is corrupted, it's name is Prader-Willie Syndrome, people with that syndrome are always feeling the pain of starvation even tho they may be about to explode because of how much shit they are eating.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/29/23 05:12PM

Orphan_crippler said:
That wish by itself is corrupted

I noticed that. But as a genie you have to grant the wish you know. And twist it.

If someone wants to eat a lot, how do you mess with him. Take the pleasure out of eating.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 577
Posted on: 10/29/23 05:17PM

Dude, you don't even have to remove the pleasure of eating, what's the point of enjoying a nice pie if you never feel full? It tastes great but you feel like starving, even a good genie wouldn't be able to find a way to make it nice with a wording like that.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/29/23 05:22PM

Orphan_crippler said:
what's the point of enjoying a nice pie if you never feel full?

The thing is, I believe his wish doesn't have the forever hungry part.

I think he just want to be in he normal state you know, no hunger, no full. And be able to eat without limits.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/29/23 05:23PM

You guys are over thinking this thing, I meant it like oh wouldn't it be nice to like eat that delicious ice cream as much as I like without feeling horrible and stuffed after. Not hungry, or some medical thing, nor some technicalities you need to hyper fixate on.
And you keep breaking the flow of the thread.

I wish I could talk to pigeons.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/29/23 05:37PM

DougDimmadome said:
You guys are over thinking this thing.

But I got the wish right. Your ice cream is no longer delicious. Wish corrupted. Also, I didn't got my wish granted.

DougDimmadome said:
I wish I could talk to pigeons.

I mean, technically you can do that right now. Go to a park.

Granted. You can talk and understand pigeons you'll notice that truly all the can say is "coo", no meaning, just "coo".

I wish to make the Pokémon real.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/29/23 06:20PM

Oops pardon, this genie was distracted. I will grant both your wishes

ThePigeon said:
Forever young

Pokemon are real. And you are a forever young top percentage Rattata belonging to a young Pokémon trainer Joey.

I wish I knew Kung Fu

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/29/23 06:53PM

DougDimmadome said:
Pokemon are real. And you are a forever young top percentage Rattata belonging to a young Pokémon trainer Joey.

DougDimmadome said:
I wish I knew Kung Fu

Granted. You are now 10 times slower. Good luck Jackie Chan.

I wish to have Superman's powers, without the kryptonite weakness.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/29/23 07:50PM

ThePigeon said:
I wish to have Superman's powers, without the kryptonite weakness.

Granted. You have Supermans power and no kryptonite weakness, your weakness is now every other rock and mineral on the planet.

I wish I had the powers of a Jedi.

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