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Now Viewing: It's insane that people don't like showering, and can have stink fetishes.
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
It's insane that people don't like showering, and can have stink fetishes.
Posted on: 10/26/23 08:44AM

I am currently dealing with a water issue (would rather not get specific about it). Point is, having no water means I haven't showered in days and..... boy.... it's not pleasant. I haven't really been in the mood to fap since, as being all dirty, sticky, stinky and oily just makes everything uncomfortable and unpleasant than anything.

This brings me to wonder ....just how crazy it is that some people WITH running clean water do not like to shower or bathe. I am now all the more confused by it. I known a few people (mostly nerds and gamers) who would go entire days and weeks smelling like funky swamp ass and dick cheese, and I'm just baffled how they just don't shower like regular people. I can sympathize if they don't have access to clean running water, but what the hell is the excuse for those that do?

And even worse.... how the hell does one even develop fetishes for unpleasant odors and bad stinks? I don't even smell THAT compared to the literal neckbeards and gym rats I've had the misfortune of smelling, but my own stench is enough to reduce my urge to fap. So how does one even begin to sexually fetishize the idea of someone who smells like they haven't bathed or wiped themselves?

Just...... how?

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/26/23 09:32AM

SadSap said:
Just...... how?

Humans can get used to terrible smells. The more you are exposed to it, the less you notice it.

That's why people often doesn't notice that their house has a specific smell.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/26/23 10:06AM

I once wanted to have discussion about fantasizing a character's smell and if buying various colons or perfumes to give the person an idea how their favorite would waifu/husbundo smell like. Stink fetish also comes to mind because there are some people are into that and even goes further that they disturb the peace. Not naming names or groups, you can fill that blank yourself.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/26/23 06:26PM

ThePigeon said:
Humans can get used to terrible smells. The more you are exposed to it, the less you notice it.

That's why people often doesn't notice that their house has a specific smell.

True, but once someone says that you or your place/room smells, a person should feel obligated to take care of it.

I knew a fat gamer nerd who was infamous for his stench once had some bratty popular girls loudly go "Omg, wtf is that stink? Is that you? You fucking stink, etc." in the hallway. He did not proceed to bathe afterwards even after being publicly humiliated.

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 10/26/23 06:29PM

"I'll be back in three days, don't wash."

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/26/23 06:45PM

SadSap said:
True, but once someone says that you or your place/room smells, a person should feel obligated to take care of it.

I knew a fat gamer nerd who was infamous for his stench once had some bratty popular girls loudly go "Omg, wtf is that stink? Is that you? You fucking stink, etc." in the hallway. He did not proceed to bathe afterwards even after being publicly humiliated.

I ant cleaning a damn thing bro. *farts*

What a hero.


supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1621
Posted on: 10/26/23 07:30PM

For me, the appeal is humiliation, so two negatives make a positive. It’s also why I like facesitting.

For some reason, until now, I thought Sadsap was a girl. lol

But I suppose most people who don’t shower are just lazy.

Personally, there are some days where I am so physically active that a shower or bath does little to nothing about my BO, so I might skip it for a day for efficiency reasons if it saves time. Other times I am so clean that I don’t really need one. I still try to shower every day, but sometimes it just warrants another shower anyway.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/26/23 07:52PM

supremz said:
For some reason, until now, I thought Sadsap was a girl. lol


Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
Posted on: 10/26/23 07:54PM

I personally like a bit of body odor… unless it's bad body odor, but… yeah not stinky just like, enough to smell who you're with ? Ig

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 10/26/23 08:01PM

I fucking love showering, and if water and the energy for taking showers was free, I'd probably spend hours at a time in the shower if I had the time.

If you work variable shifts, sometimes you just can't. If your closing shift ends at midnight and your opening shift the next morning starts at 6AM, you literally don't have time for that shit. That's mostly a problem for people with multiple jobs since an employer is usually required to give you a certain amount of time between shifts, but even if your closing shift ends at 10PM and your opening shift starts at 7, you have to choose between showering and sleeping, and if you'll sweat enough at the start of your workday, or if you end up handling enough material as part of your job, it might not be worth it to shower if you're going to stink anyway.

Another thing to keep in mind is that most asians do not have any body odor. The same gene that causes their earwax to be dry and flaky instead of moist and gooey also basically turns off their body odor. It's actually very difficult to find deodorant in Japan, which can be very problematic for foreigners. Bidets are also ubiquitous in Japan. The level of stink westerners experience from not showering is completely different from what most Japanese will experience, so if you're basing it on hentai, the stinky bastards depicted may smell less than you do after walking from your car to the entrance of your workplace on a hot, humid summer day.

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