Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Design choices you hate
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ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8487
Posted on: 10/30/23 08:23PM

DougDimmadome said:
ThePigeon said:
Big black cocks are funny?

maybe he's ticklish

Hahah, you just made me remember this gem.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/30/23 08:29PM

ThePigeon said:
Hahah, you just made me remember this gem.

So THATS Pomni's origin? post #9166822

it all makes sense.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8487
Posted on: 10/30/23 08:41PM

Here's a little balloon animal!

DougDimmadome said:

She just saw how she was made

We are deviating from the topic of the thread btw.

milabue - Group: Member - Total Posts: 12
Posted on: 10/30/23 09:53PM

Choices of prettiness or "coolness" over usefulness.
Many a website or program is guilty of this. One thing that bugs me is changing the design of an icon. It goes against the very idea of the computer icon.
It's worst when cars are like that. It's as if the designers are thinking "oh, this looks cool, so it doesn't matter that it is difficult to use." Sometimes I think they are sadists "Muahahaha! They came up with a horrid design!" I mean, they paid someone money to make the dashboard as lousy as possible.

emptylife - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 10/31/23 06:47AM

the most upsetting character design moment for me was when i thought ganyu had a ponytail with a bow but it turned out it was just a mullet and the bow was on the back of her outfit

Jitoryohmaster - Group: Member - Total Posts: 107
Ubba uba uba
Posted on: 11/20/23 02:11AM

I hate when breasts are drawn ugly. Also I hate when nipples are drawn too long. Or too oddly shaped. I hate when animators have sex scenes of a topless girl and don't dedicate a scene or time to the breasts or nipples. Also when they overtly obscure the breasts or nipples with hair or clothing.

I hate when some artists draw large breasted females, that are canonically not fat. With jelly rolls. As if to say all large breasted women are fat cows. I hate when artists draw mothers with dark nipples just to let the viewer know. That they view mothers as used goods or old. Like milfs don't exists. (And I know dark nips are genetic trait seen commonly in Japanese culture.)

I really hate that asian artists from Japan. Who clearly have never met/fkd a darkskin woman. Have popularized the idea and illustration(worldwide) of darkskin women with pale areolas with pale nipples. The crap looks dumb. Nipples generally match the genitals in color. It's just disrespectful at this point. Even if it's a real genetic anomaly that happens irl. It's too rare to draw so often. And not pleasant at all to look at, for me personally.

Lastly I wish artists who are obsessed with pierced nipples. Did variants of works with and without the piercings. Same for tattoos, wet skin, teary-eyed characters, fully tanned and partially tanned bodies and finally facial expressions. That last one they're are getting better at. Except when it comes to animatons. But we're starting to see progress there too, I guess.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 577
Posted on: 11/21/23 07:18PM

Jitoryohmaster said:
I really hate that asian artists from Japan. Who clearly have never met/fkd a darkskin woman. Have popularized the idea and illustration(worldwide) of darkskin women with pale areolas with pale nipples. The crap looks dumb. Nipples generally match the genitals in color. It's just disrespectful at this point. Even if it's a real genetic anomaly that happens irl. It's too rare to draw so often. And not pleasant at all to look at, for me personally.

Absolutely agree

Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
Posted on: 11/21/23 07:36PM

Oh actually, buzz cuts

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8487
Posted on: 11/21/23 07:45PM

Flamingo123 said:
Oh actually, buzz cuts

This. Oh my God.

I recently went to cut my hair, in a different place, cuz of lazyness. And even when I told the barber, "look at this photo, this is how I like my hair". He went for a fucking buzz cut, and cut way too fucking much from the sides. I was angry, but didn't make a scene, and fucking hell the place was expensive.

My hair is now, normal. Thankfully.

Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
Posted on: 11/21/23 07:46PM

That's why I go to the same hair dresser always

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