Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Design choices you hate
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Pollix - Group: Member - Total Posts: 213
Posted on: 10/25/23 11:13AM

When the artist draws an upside down white triangle to indicate the bridge of the nose. Was more popular earlier this year but the trend seems to have tapered off

When the artist draws the “fang” as the same color as the skin tone. Some illustrations it looks ok (chibi, etc) but I’m mostly “meh” on it.

For R-18 stuff, some artists have an odd fascination with the 1 stray pube sticking out of the girls mouth during fellatio. I just wanna reach into the screen and pluck it

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8499
Posted on: 10/25/23 11:15AM

Pollix said:
For R-18 stuff, some artists have an odd fascination with the 1 stray pube sticking out of the girls mouth during fellatio. I just wanna reach into the screen and pluck it

AAAAA FUCK, I hate that too.

[Jay_Will] - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Messy DeviantArt OC character design
Posted on: 10/25/23 03:12PM

Would have to say having extremely messy character design with a bunch of outlined shapes like in Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, it makes me automatically feel for the animators who gotta work with that

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5163
Posted on: 10/26/23 08:21AM

I really hate the "hair is transparent over anime characters eyes". It's always so ugly and I don't understand why anyone would wish to purposefully replicate that.

Nomura's obsession with belts and zippers.

Color palettes that do not have any cohesion or flow.

High heels. My girlfriend had once said she despises high heels, and I've seemed to have adopted that mantra ever since.

Everything in JoJo's bizzare adventure. It is the one franchise where I consistently hate how everything looks.

TickTack said:
Male characters having no nipples.

I'm the opposite. I often wonder why men even have nipples in the first place.

For some odd reason, I like it whenever males don't have nipples but the females do. You see this pretty often in ecchi and hentai, and I'm all for it.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 665
Posted on: 10/26/23 10:13AM

I guess it's nature's design to prevent it from fucking up like accidently creating a women with no nipples is quite sad.

What's more sad that you'll be happy to deprive me of my male nipples.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8499
Posted on: 10/26/23 10:15AM

SadSap said:
I really hate the "hair is transparent over anime characters eyes". It's always so ugly and I don't understand why anyone would wish to purposefully replicate that.

It is about replicating the look of natural strands of hair.
Hair covering the eyes, but you can still see them.
It also helps with expression.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 10/26/23 11:55AM

I really hate design decisions that involve infinite pagination. No matter how it is implemented, it always sucks.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/26/23 08:29PM

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 577
Posted on: 10/29/23 01:07PM

I gues I should have given examples, I don't mean unstylized hidden eyes in H (though that's stupid an annoying too lol), I meant stuff more like post #7968107 and post #8974624 I look at those small pieces of hair between the eyes and just want to cut them off.

TickTack said:
Male characters having no nipples.


TickTack said:
I also hated when they cheaply draw the armpits like basically raising a barbie doll's arm up.

Depending on the artstyle it can be either funny or stupid

Mixed_Bread said:
Overly muscly male protagonists. I love men with muscles, but sometimes artists go way too far with them.

Protagonist or not, I dislike it when they have muscles despite not looking like someone who does exercise at all (worse when they have too much detail). Im looking at you, almost every single future version of kids characters, specially you Dexter.

SadSap said:
High heels. My girlfriend had once said she despises high heels, and I've seemed to have adopted that mantra ever since.

High heels only look good when used as weapons

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/29/23 04:03PM

You people lack style. High heels on a sexy or even plane looking Jane enhances their sexiness and feminine grace. I also love those wedge heels for more sporty or slightly dynamic designs.

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