Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Live by the virtue signaling sword...
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TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Live by the virtue signaling sword...
Posted on: 10/24/23 11:35AM

get fooked by the virtue signaling sword.

So the voice actors who advocate and cheered for segregation of voicing characters base on race and possibly sexual orientation are reaping what they sow on in the West. I hope to god these people get replaced by AI cover soon.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5152
Posted on: 10/24/23 12:37PM

You need to be more specific. I know about the idiotic "voice actors should be casted by race" conundrum, but what do you mean by "reaping what they sow"? That implies something has happened, and I have no clue what you're talking there. Not everyone looks at what you do. We can't read your mind.

TickTack said:
I hope to god these people get replaced by AI cover soon.

I don't agree with this at all. This is a terrible practice and jobs based around the arts should not be overtaken by machines. I'm not too keen on wanting AI voices becoming normalized just to laugh at some shmucks whose views I disagree with. It sets a dangerous precedent.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/24/23 12:45PM

I usually avoid name dropping people because last time I did I got a warning.

And I am hoping for these type of people to be replace because of how insufferable they are with their racist takes that effects the work space but I would want voice actors who just want to be voice actors to be not effected with this and have the support of the fans to prevent them getting replaced by AI.

Also I have great distaste of the nepotism when it comes to voice acting industry in the west now a days seeing they require people to have a political leaning rather than focus on the skill they bring to the table.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5152
Posted on: 10/24/23 01:07PM

And I am hoping for these type of people to be replace because of how insufferable they are with their racist takes that effects the work space but I would want voice actors who just want to be voice actor to be not effected with this and have the support of the fans to prevent them getting replaced by AI.

That's not how this works. Once the machinations behind AI voice acting gain enough traction, everyone is going to get shafted. In fact, the people who aren't virtue signaling puppets will be more likely to get on the chopping block.

Beside you're completely forgetting that AI still needs the human voice actors to feed them. There will be laws eventually deciding on how to compensate the voice artists; and there will likely be an outcome where they're still getting paid and credited like normally (though not nearly as much, since severely underpaying workers is hollywood's main impetus behind AI)

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/24/23 01:21PM

True. Still I was hoping many of these voice actors would start respecting their fans and the ips seeing being a piece of shit is not garnering them sympathy when that time comes.

I didn't forget in fact I believe Syndrome from Incredibles had a fitting quote to it :"When everyone is super... No one will be."

Yeah don't hope for the courts to fix this because they'll probably make it worse like voice actors will actually have rights to the sound they make and that even people who can mimic them with their skill that is not ai will be forced to pay royalties.

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 908
Posted on: 10/24/23 02:38PM

This is why I watch fansubs. Fuck the western industry.

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