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Now Viewing: So I know a coomer who is a virtue signaling, massive hypocrite...
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
So I know a coomer who is a virtue signaling, massive hypocrite...
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:06AM

So here's something quite interesting about a former friendly acquaintance I know from online (not in real life, he was once an online gamer friend, and is still currently friended on my old account). I've known him for a very long time, as far back as when I was a pre-teen (and he was in his mid teens when we first met, so he's quite a bit older than me).

I found out fairly recently he's the type of spineless little bitch who fully agrees with losers who complain about big breasted anime girls, which is honestly the main reason why I never bothered reaching back out to him. He's definitely in that type of crowd who would rather see the death of anime boobs and sexualized female characters. And has even participated in contributing to their gossip. For example, he wrote a big rant about "fan artists should stop sexualizing teenagers, and aging up doesn't matter". Just imagine the most pathetic, spaghetti essay of a grown man bitching and whining that Pokemon girls being aged up into busty adults still isn't enough to make "the artist less of a creep sexualizing minors."

What he doesn't seem to know is that... I remember his old handle and a number of profiles that were once linked to his account, and he will log onto them occasionally. He has lewd anime girl posts in his likes. He follows some lewd cosplayers. He's got some suggestive loli memes in his favorites. He now plays a number of horny gacha games and has even liked a few lewds fan art of these characters. There's no doubt at all he's beating his slimy little dick to them, there is no doubt he's sexually attracted to busty minors, and yet he still virtue signals on his main account. Fuck this dude, man.

I likely won't say or do anything about this in the end, but it feels good to vent about this. It helps confirm my beliefs that most people being hypocrites when it comes to this subject matter. I want you all to know that you should always be suspicious towards most male virtue signalers when it comes to sexuality. They may very likely be beating their dicks to what they publicly claim to find "problematic" and "misgoynistic". Have a good day.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:13AM

Set the clock.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:14AM

TickTack said:
Set the clock.


Gfunk-ZX - Group: Member - Total Posts: 405
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:23AM

He's got some suggestive loli memes in his favorites.

Color me surprised, it's almost like these people love projecting.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:23AM

You know the people who hates anime has a track record of either having possessed actual cp or soon to be sex offenders.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:24AM

And water is wet.

Gfunk-ZX - Group: Member - Total Posts: 405
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:24AM

TickTack Said: *Insert Reply Here.*

Or abusers as the case with a lot of male feminist types.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:39AM

Whenever I'm debating with someone on twitter and then they bring how I retweet porn as an argument, 9 times out of 10 they have worse shit in their likes.

Same with people complainig about porn in a porn image while having scat in their likes.

Hypocrisy is the bread of every day for many people online, specially among those who cannot gasp the possibility of having two accounts to be a better hypocrite.

Anyway, whenever I meet the 1oth guy who is not an hypocrite (or hides everything in an alt account) is when I believe they are worth some respect, at least they do not seem to betray their own words just to virtue signal.

burner_identification - Group: Member - Total Posts: 59
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:41AM

Yeah, but here's the thing. The split second you admit these things, you are crucified. Do you admit your non-politically correct fetishes to everybody without filtering?

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/24/23 11:09AM

burner_identification said:
Yeah, but here's the thing. The split second you admit these things, you are crucified.

Doesn't matter at all. If anyone feels they'll be crucified for what they like, the least you can do is NOT openly agree with the opposition. (This doesn't apply to things that are seriously illegal or exceedingly morally wrong, like murder, child molestation, or rape.)

Or the even better option, is to be honest in what you like and speak up against the naysayers. I don't think I've ever in my life co-signed people who despise what I truly like. When people would bully or tease people for being into anime, I never expressed any desire to jump in and say "yeah! anime is for LOSERS! and I'll help you guys beat anyone up into anime!"

Virtue signaling is the worst possible option.

Do you admit your non-politically correct fetishes to everybody without filtering?

On gelbooru, a place where it would actually be appropriate to admit such things? 98% of the time, yes. I'm an honest man.

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