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Now Viewing: Spider Man 2 for the PS5 is the fastest selling Playstation game in history.
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Spider Man 2 for the PS5 is the fastest selling Playstation game in history.
Posted on: 10/24/23 09:06AM

It's sold over 2.5 million copies in 24 hours, making it the fastest selling Playstation game ever. That is quite the achievement.

Most of my irl friends are playing it, so that checks out for me. It's a pretty good game.

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 908
Posted on: 10/24/23 09:11AM

That's just because the PS5 finally has a game.

Gfunk-ZX - Group: Member - Total Posts: 405
Posted on: 10/24/23 09:52AM

It sure takes me back to the good old days of the PS3.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:25AM

Gaming news on a hentai forum.

Gfunk-ZX - Group: Member - Total Posts: 405
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:30AM

ThePigeon Said: *Insert Reply Here.*

I know right? What is this, NeoGaf?

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:35AM

ThePigeon said:
Gaming news on a hentai forum.

This is a milestone achievement though. It's thread worthy.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 576
Posted on: 10/24/23 10:40AM

If only the game had a decent Spanish translation, shit is bugged and characters start speaking French or some other stupid language.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 10/24/23 02:22PM

Is Spider-Man 2 any good?
Doesn't have that obnoxious pozzed shit?
I'm saying that because I don't trust Sony and AAAmerican gaming in general.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/24/23 02:28PM

Orphan_crippler said:
If only the game had a decent Spanish translation, shit is bugged and characters start speaking French or some other stupid language.

Oui prefiero el baguette, hora de actuar en el omelette du fromage.

SadSap said:
This is a milestone achievement though. It's thread worthy.

Nuh uh.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/24/23 02:57PM

Hee-Ho said:
Is Spider-Man 2 any good?

Can confirm it's good. Everything that matters is pretty good. Graphics are excellent and combat is still very fluid and dynamic.

Doesn't have that obnoxious pozzed shit?
I'm saying that because I don't trust Sony and AAAmerican gaming in general.

I don't like that term since it's a term made up and primarily used by disgusting gamer incels who hate women and minorities.

But to answer your question? *insert mario movie Bowser meme* Kinda? A little?

It's not subtle at all with it's diversity and inclusivity themes, and some of it does make me cringe. At least it makes sense because modern day urban America can be very diverse like that, but some of it just completely breaks my immersion because it's unrealistic. For example, nobody uses the words "BIPOC" in daily conversation. Spider-Man suddenly using specific talking points about gun control laws definitely feels forced. The giant "black lives matter" mural close up shot feels really forced since it's not just something in the background; there's a 10 second zoom, as if it's actually important to the story (which it is not)

I won't forgive them for making Mary Jane ugly though. Pretty girls exist in real life, and there was no need to downgrade her. Again, I've actually dated women who look much cuter and hotter than her, and I'm a fucking anime nerd. Zero excuse for Sony.

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