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Now Viewing: Is realism still a selling point?
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Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Is realism still a selling point?
Posted on: 10/20/23 06:06PM

Whenever I think of any form of media that isn't live action, I remember how it being so realistic was the main selling point, "realistic graphics", "realistic designs", "realistics movements", "realistics physics", "realistic characters", "realistic setting", you name it, and despite many people only gravitating towards less realistic games, series, movies, and drawings, big companies still aim at the realism as if that was the only thing that mattered.

I was thinking that maybe the people who care about realism were the casuals, the least loud crowd, but I don't know anyone where I am who cares about realism besides my brother (he only plays assassin's creed, lol).

Is the casual market still interested in realism or what?

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/20/23 06:17PM

Didn't we just talk about this?

I have a buddy who only wants ''graphics''. wasted his money on 2 card upgrades in one year. I say wasted because I'm not sure what exactly improved in the games he bought them for. Cyberpunk and Call of Duty hasn't impressed me with with their offerings.
Me? like I said in the other thread, I just don't care about graphics, and I kind of detest ''realistic graphics". To me that sounds like marketing hype meaning they need to justify that massive budget for selling you that same IP and new hardware.

For movies and shows. Well apparently the modern definition of realistic means making it so dark and desaturated you can barely see anything, and mumbling dialogue you cant hear what the fuck the characters are saying, and super loud explosions and effects you'll be left deaf, and music that's either sad breathy female vocals over a cover, or compositions that you can't be sure if they're made by AI or not.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 10/20/23 06:53PM

Orphan_crippler said:
Is realism still a selling point?

I quite liked Horizon 5. And that game looks fucking amazing. It makes GPUs cry, but you get some beautiful graphics in return.
Brilliant racing game, with amazing graphics that's a win for me.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/20/23 08:13PM

Definitely not as much as it used to be, I am very sure of that much.

Video games still will get praise and hype for including high amounts of realism, but it's definitely not as much as a selling point as it once was. The bar is just too high, people care more about different stuff these days, and improvements to realistic graphics have only yielded nothing but diminishing returns compared to the past generation's realism achievements. I remember everyone being super impressed by Modern Warfare (2007), but if you look at the upcoming Modern Warfare (2023) everyone just treats the photorealistic graphics as "just another day".

Realism in games can be very cool, though it may bring in it some unintended consequences. Mortal Kombat 1 is easily among the best looking fighting games out there, but MAN the fatalities and x-ray bone shattering super moves can be highly, HIGHLY disturbing. I admit I have to squint my eyes if I haven't already seen them before, because it feels like a real person dying a horrible death.

Moonman - Group: Member - Total Posts: 317
Posted on: 10/21/23 09:33AM

We went from "Realistic" JAV idol onaholes to "Kthulu tentacle tunnel of fright" onaholes in a matter of years.
Realism just doesn't cut it anymore. We desire beyond real now. To redefine real, with our penises.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
I am inspired.
Posted on: 10/21/23 09:35AM

Moonman said:
We desire beyond real now. To redefine real, with our penises.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/21/23 10:07AM

Moonman said:
We went from "Realistic" JAV idol onaholes to "Kthulu tentacle tunnel of fright" onaholes in a matter of years.

Wtf is this example

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 10/21/23 10:10AM

SadSap said:

The Moonman is on a different level.

Btw, are u still mad with me for not liking the youtube show thingy?

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/21/23 10:14AM

ThePigeon said:
Btw, are u still mad with me for not liking the youtube show thingy?

Nope. Why would I be mad at someone for not liking something? I'm not a baby, lol.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 10/21/23 10:16AM

SadSap said:

You seemed a bit disgruntled yesterday. Ok.

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