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Now Viewing: This adorable jester character may be the fastest build up of Rule 34 ever....
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
This adorable jester character may be the fastest build up of Rule 34 ever....
Posted on: 10/20/23 02:06AM

Her name's Pomni, and she's from the amazing digital circus, an indie animation production you can watch on youtube:

post #9130893
post #9130773
post #9134127
post #9123580

It's been 6 days since the short and she already has 600+ porn results already. This is probably the quickest and largest build up of a character that I've witnessed, that doesn't come from a famous IP like pokemon. Hell, I think she's getting a much quicker build up than all of the recent pokemon protagonists!

Personally I love this character design a lot, she's just so cute and she surprisingly lends well to lewds. The short itself is pretty okay, I'm not its intended target audience (it seems to be for children and early teenagers) and the jokes are a bit bland and stale (it seems to rely too much on Pomni's facial expressions, which while excellent, aren't substitute for actual substance), but the animation is shockingly fantastic and the charm is there.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 10/20/23 07:49AM

Neat, anyway...

My disapointment is inmesurable and my day is ruined.
They ruined Super Mario 64 Bloopers ever since Maggy's introduction. It's when snowballed to shit.
The last good thing about today's SMG4 is the entire Waluigi Arc and Bob, he's far more likable than any of the female casts because they are all psychopaths. Check that Boys vs Girls vid and you get sooner.
It used to make great and actually funny content, now it's just soulless and corporate.
To make it worse, there's no enough porn of Ragatha!

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 10/20/23 09:39AM

Good I hate the style and the ugly 3D. Totally not for me.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 10/20/23 10:39AM

It's not that bad. Atleast you see the effort into it.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 10/20/23 10:44AM

Hee-Ho said:

I cant watch for more than 20 seconds. It seems that people like it a lot. That has happened many times with me, not being a fan of what the masses like.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/20/23 01:10PM

^ Yeah, I watched it too. I guess it was okay? I didn't really ''get it'', maybe I dont get genz or gen alpha? genA? meta-meta-humor/horror? I don't know. Same thing happened when I tried engaging with other popular phenomena online, like mspaint adventures which was fine but I didn't really ''get''. Same for that current luminous space backroom horror thing thats flooding my game feeds, i just dont get it or understand what's scary about it. And that Freddy pizza animatronic thing too, didn't really get the appeal of it. But now i'm rambling.

Animation is good, for an indie creator very impressive, clearly lots of work and love put into it.

And those aren't all ''porn'' results Sap, just because somethings uploaded on here doesn't make it porn. Actually from the look of it seems like most are just regular pg fan content. I guess clown fetish aren't such a big niche.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/20/23 01:43PM

DougDimmadome said:
^ Yeah, I watched it too. I guess it was okay? I didn't really ''get it'', maybe I dont get genz or gen alpha? genA? meta-meta-humor/horror? I don't know. Same thing happened when I tried engaging with other popular phenomena online, like mspaint adventures which was fine but I didn't really ''get''. Same for that current luminous space horror thing thats flooding my game feeds, i just dont get it or understand what's scary about it. And that Freddy pizza animatronic thing too, didn't really get the appeal of it. But now i'm rambling.

I'm in the same boat. A lot of zoomer stuff can get really weird, and it impresses me that young people can even follow along. FNAF is quite straightforward at first, but once you get into the lore and the successor sequels, it becomes very complicated. I wouldn't consider the Amazing Digital Circus in that boat just yet, it seems pretty straightforward at first, but it's certianly going delve into "deep lore creepypasta" the next few episodes.

Also Homestuck is actually pretty old; it's not really a zoomer thing, it's more that Tumblrites latched onto it and made it into their own little thing. Homestuck is one of those things I still don't understand to this day.

And those aren't all ''porn'' results Sap, just because somethings uploaded on here doesn't make it porn. Actually from the look of it seems like most are just regular pg fan content. I guess clown fetish aren't such a big niche.

I was trying to post how the character looks normally, but perhaps you're right in that I should edit the OP for consistency's sake.

There's over 650 results over on rule 34. Just remember use your blacklist in case there's any sickening deviant fetish content.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 10/20/23 01:48PM

Why did she got so much porn in basically no time? I may be a porn addict but I can't see any lewd appeal behind her character design, like, yeah she is cute and her personality is great for some situations, but for that much? Just why?

I find this specially weird considering she is an indie animation from someone who makes some extremely abstract character designs (love you gooseworx), where did that audience come from?

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/20/23 01:49PM

Hee-Ho said:
My disapointment is inmesurable and my day is ruined.
They ruined Super Mario 64 Bloopers ever since Maggy's introduction. It's when snowballed to shit.
The last good thing about today's SMG4 is the entire Waluigi Arc and Bob, he's far more likable than any of the female casts because they are all psychopaths. Check that Boys vs Girls vid and you get sooner. It used to make great and actually funny content, now it's just soulless and corporate.

I felt the same way, but then I quickly realized that it's for children so I stopped caring and watching long ago. I did enjoy SMG4 as a kid though.

To make it worse, there's no enough porn of Ragatha!

She's pretty boring and generic, so I would imagine people wouldn't really care to lewd her.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/20/23 01:49PM

SadSap said:
Just remember use your blacklist in case there's any sickening deviant fetish content.

I don't have a blacklist

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