Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Today is roughly the 1 year anniversary of AI art
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5157
Today is roughly the 1 year anniversary of AI art
Posted on: 10/11/23 08:57AM

Though not an official anniversary by any means, it's safe to say AI art didn't start getting extremely good and a huge source of attention and controversy beginning October of 2022. Before that, AI art to the public was still primarily in the "shitpost deep fried meme" stages.

So.... any thoughts?

Personally I've still got very mixed feelings on AI art. They can be quickly summed up as "I'm well aware of the ethical issues and various "death of the artist" concerns, but I still think it's an amazing milestone in human technology and some AI art is just way too good to be a whiny sourpuss about. Seriously. I've seen AI arts that are so good, they manage to look like the perfect cosplay AND look almost indistinguishable from a real human being."

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/11/23 09:39AM

SadSap said:
So.... any thoughts?

Yeah. A subject that divisive is better to keep it quiet.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/11/23 04:35PM

Len - Group: Member - Total Posts: 362
Posted on: 10/11/23 04:42PM

ThePigeon said:
SadSap said:
So.... any thoughts?

Yeah. A subject that divisive is better to keep it quiet.

People who ignore the elephant in the room eventually drown in its shit.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/11/23 04:49PM

Len said:

Ehm. Ok. Lets talk about AI so we don't get drowned in AI shit, I guess?

I am waiting for the inevitable moment in which AIs starts to feed on AI generated content. They almost always implode when you feed them their own crap.

Pollix - Group: Member - Total Posts: 213
Posted on: 10/11/23 08:07PM

Think the concept is cool, but should have it's own hosting site.

Seen on Pixiv that it's flooding out other artists in uploads. When Zankuro, Ixy or Setzeri uploads, I'd like to see their works on the timeline. Not the chap with a whole lotta free-time, hitting the "refresh" on command prompts. The search is bogged down in trying to discover new artists out there. Glad that it's been gatekept mostly on this site.

On the more positive aspects of AI, it's incredible in what it's capable of after 1 year. Personally like the idea of it acting as a sort of loophole to pushing the limits of what artists will draw. As on Twitter "X", some artists will post which tags they will draw and what they refuse to draw. Well, once the tech gets into full swing it'll emulate their styles to deeper depths of creativity and I'm all for it. Lmaooooo. But yeah.

Just needs its own site, cause of the flooding thing.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/14/23 05:38AM

DrFumiya - Group: Member - Total Posts: 24
Posted on: 10/14/23 11:41PM

This video perfectly summarizes what I feel and think about AI.

Doomed To Be Replaced: What Will AI Replace? By Solar Sands

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/14/23 11:54PM

DrFumiya said:

Great vid. Great youtuber too.

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