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Now Viewing: What happened to
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mistychan - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
What happened to
Posted on: 10/08/23 04:37AM

Links to it just lead back here. Did they shut down? Change address? It just disappeared...

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
The site is dead.
Posted on: 10/08/23 09:40AM

It was sent to Jesus.

Mderms - Group: I do edits sometimes. - Total Posts: 1384
Posted on: 10/08/23 09:52AM

Wow, you're like, three years too late on that one.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/08/23 09:56AM

Mderms said:

That happened to me a few times. Just like OP.

You remember at some point... hey, that site that I used to visit, where is it now? You google it and it no longer exist.

It happened to many of the sites I used to visit during my youth. Big sites.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/08/23 11:49AM

That site was terrible, barely had much at all compared to sadpanda

ThePigeon said:
It happened to many of the sites I used to visit during my youth. Big sites.

I still have my favorite ones bookmarked :(

Hey, do you still have muscle memory of your favorite sites and sometimes accidently go to the old domains which are now spam sites or domain parkers?

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/08/23 11:56AM

DougDimmadome said:

Some, yeah. Did you visited hongfire? I got many doujins from there.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/08/23 12:00PM

ThePigeon said:

fuck yeah. That place was amazing, hentai, VNs, JAVS, rare collections. Still have some VNs doujins and JAVS I havent been able to ever find again, even on nyaa

even community porn game dev, was way better than most 4chan devs by a lot

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/08/23 12:12PM

DougDimmadome said:

And the best part, on birthday the site always sent you an email. Haha.
It was a bit of a tradition for me, I noticed that the site was gone when the email stopped arriving on my birthday, what a cool place it was. I still have many of doujins and mangas I got from there.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/08/23 12:43PM

ThePigeon said:
And the best part, on birthday the site always sent you an email. Haha.

Lol, i know, a lot of sites did that, made you feel special even through I knew it was automated.
Sometimes I'll still get emails wishing me happy bday from sites I didn't even know were still alive, like old muds/browser games, then Ill be surprised and visit it, only to find its mostly a ghost town, filled with spam bots and the few users still left just chatting in the forums or something.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8484
Posted on: 10/08/23 12:56PM

DougDimmadome said:
then Ill be surprised and visit it, only to find its mostly a ghost town, filled with spam bots and the few users still left just chatting in the forums or something.

It is the place you know, today we have "better" ways of communication than old forums. But the place, the site, the vibe, cant be replaced. So, some people get attached to it. And keep talking on abandoned places. Kind of like us.

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