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Now Viewing: Don't trust your google drive.
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TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Don't trust your google drive.
Posted on: 10/04/23 12:13AM

I heard google is deleting or banning doijins in those drives. Probably for loli and shota content but I wouldn't feel safe for any anime content because western society deem anime characters as children(mainly female characters).

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/04/23 12:21AM

Jesus why on earth would you upload something like that to anything related to Google. I thought it was common knowledge that they scan absolutely everything.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/04/23 12:24AM

Not only will they delete your stuff, they will also (incorrectly) auto report you to that stupid American CSAM org. You should never use these services for anything if you value your privacy and dignity. A few years back Apple started to automatically scan your storage, even on your offline files for anything they deem illegal.
And with the push for full automation on everything Google and Microsoft is probably doing it too using shit inaccurate AI tools soon.

Just more ways our freedom gets eroded and we slip deeper and deeper into the sinkhole.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/04/23 12:33AM

Apparently Japanese artists didn't get the memo to never trust a western corporation.

Menace5 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 99
Posted on: 10/04/23 12:33AM

Google will delete anything pornographic kept on Drive and any connected services, not just loli/shota. Usually only if it's reported, but they might be cracking down on scanning things.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/04/23 12:49AM

DougDimmadome said:
Just more ways our freedom gets eroded and we slip deeper and deeper into the sinkhole.

The future looks... very grim.

slimdog - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 10/04/23 05:40PM

more big brother when will these idiots understand they are making things more dangerous for kids NOT safer

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 908
Posted on: 10/04/23 06:56PM

Just change some words and you have Google Drive.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 10/04/23 08:04PM

I have read about google drive scanning your files before, and it's such a scummy and reprehensible act. Sure I think actual pedophiles who have actual, legit, pre-pubescent CP need to get reported and arrested immediately, but I also believe everyone should a right for privacy and no one should scan their private files.

Loli and shota content should always be protected, even if I don't like them. It's just drawings. They shouldn't be treated any differently than a legal word document.

I never trust these big scumbag companies anyway. I'm so glad I never decided to back up anything on any of these cloud services. The only thing I use google drive for is for school work. Even if it has some personal information there, at least if I get screwed over there, every other student in America would too.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8481
Posted on: 10/04/23 08:11PM

SadSap said:

There is a chance that certain loli and shota pictures have been flagged by some people as CP (I see it all the time) and because of that the content is now being detected as CP.

Also there are many hyper realistic loli and shota artworks that are borderline CP.

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