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Now Viewing: The recent McDonalds ad is making me question why people lewd wholesome things...
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
The recent McDonalds ad is making me question why people lewd wholesome things...
Posted on: 10/03/23 05:10AM

McDonalds of Japan recently had an animated ad posted on twitter that went viral, which you can view here: post #9053737. While it went viral in the west for completely stupid culture war reasons I'd rather not get into............ overall it became popular globally because of the wholesome, happy, warm vibes. Just look at that happy family. I hope I can have a cute family like that.

Of course, because rule 34 is eternal and ever consuming, the ad's characters were not spared from such a grim fate.

While some of the art is admittedly sexy....... I feel like I've had a moment of clarity where I've snapped out of this .....hypnotized pornographic daze, and realized all of this shit is just a mindlessly depraved perversion that we've all become accustomed and desensitized too. Not counting the people who are unironically terminal coomers and need to see everything lewded immediately .......are the more regular weeb folk all just going along with this just because? Not even feeling like we should take a step back? We have so much porn of slutty and thicc bratty characters who actually deserve lewding, but do we why lewd characters that are wholesome and completely innocent?

In the end, nothing I can say will ever change this. I have also learned long ago that you cannot change most people's minds on certain things. I also realize that isn't a big deal, and there are bigger issues people should focus on. Hell, there are MUCH worse examples of what you can lewd. People lewd Bluey. Motherfucking Bluey. (Bluey is a cartoon about a cute family of talking dogs, and it's one of the most wholesome cartoons I've ever seen. Now that honestly makes me a little upset.....)

That said.... I do feel like maybe I'm onto something. Maybe it wouldn't hurt for everyone, not just the people reading this post, but for anyone who consumes weeb content, to look deep inside themselves and ask questions why lewding of wholesome things has become so commonplace and accepted.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 10/03/23 06:30AM

wholesome porn

KaizokuJimbei - Group: Member - Total Posts: 72
Posted on: 10/03/23 06:52AM

Why lewd characters that are wholesome and completely innocent?

You answered your own question: I feel like I've had a moment of clarity where I've snapped out of this .....hypnotized pornographic daze, and realized all of this shit is just a mindlessly depraved perversion that we've all become accustomed and desensitized to.

I feel the same.

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 10/03/23 06:57AM

You're still young, you just lack perspective is all. This isnt new, nor is it an either/or/situation here.
And there's nothing special about what happened with Mcdee, if anything its been substantially subdued compared with previous popular art memes like ponies, or Bowser from just a few years ago.

Rule34 has been around for a long time, and even before that, before we gave it a name. Drawing characters and topics in adult situations is just part of creativity, from NubNub the Caveman making a sexy fertility goddess, to creators of famous characters like Superman drawing porn, or Disney animators drawing all kinds of kinky shit.

We used to laugh and shock people with cartoon porn of Garfield fucking Odie, Barney raping the Teletubbies, April getting gangbanged by the Turtles on top of a pizza, shit like that. There was also early furry art of mascots and cartoon cuties, not that we called it furry mind you, since 'being a furry' wasn't really a separate category then. I fapped to many Minervas and Gadgets in my day.
I can name some artists that you'll be shocked at what they made, hell most aren't even alive for years now. I miss many of em, used to talk to some on forums, or the ones that made money even had their own sites, imagine that!
And that was early internet, before that it was underground in fan published zines and shit like Tijuana bibles, or even Playboy and Penthouse if you were a really skilled class act.

There's nothing wrong with making porn of characters, drawing, animating or whatever, I myself write smut for example, its just part of being creative.

So lighten up Sap, you'll wear yourself out before you hit 30.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/03/23 06:57AM

Well before Rick and Morty was a thing, I have a mind set that there are infinite realities. Bad, good, fucked up and lewd. Everyone gets the piece of the pie of fantasy which is why I never feel too disgusted of people lewding the characters I have strong respect to. Though there's was a time I did punch someone for disrecpecting pokemon and sakura kinomoto at my teens, I regretted that because he was my childhood friend and I ended that bond with that dumb action. When I turned 19 I really reflected on that and cringe at people doing something similar because it reminded of me. Over time I got use to it because you can't keep regrets and the cringe in the bottle. You just have to laugh at it until it means nothing and move forward.

Collect everything you think highly of and don't share them if you ever feel that people can't be trusted on respecting them in your ideal fantasy.

KaizokuJimbei - Group: Member - Total Posts: 72
Posted on: 10/03/23 06:58AM

Also I have a theory as to why people lewd innocent cartoons. It's because they still like those cartoons as adults but are too embarrassed to admit it. By adding sex, violence, social issues, mental problems and psychological stuff into their cartoons they feel like they've turned it into more adult content and thus more acceptable to admit they like childish things. It's kind of a cope really.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 664
Posted on: 10/03/23 06:59AM

If people do happen to lewd or disrespect those treasures. Never let them know that you hold them dear because they'll hound you for the fun of it because they don't hold them dear like you do.

KaizokuJimbei - Group: Member - Total Posts: 72
Posted on: 10/03/23 07:02AM

TickTack said:
If people do happen to lewd or disrespect those treasures. Never let them know that you hold them dear because they'll hound you for the fun of it because they don't hold them dear like you do.

Yeah, very true. Never reveal your ambitions to the world for if you do the world will oppose your success. And never reveal your weaknesses lest you make yourself a target.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 10/03/23 07:12AM

DougDimmadome said:
Barney raping the Teletubbies.

Yeah, Telebubbies are demonic creatues anyway.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 10/03/23 08:58AM

I will never understand why people look at regularly cute looking this those aren't hot at all and go monkey mode for the porn, like, just look at Isabelle and tell what made people think it was a great porn mine? The porn looks good but the base made no sense, that's why I prefer original designs over these.

This also reminds of one time in 4chan people complaining at the guy who liked Taimanin designs because they said if they don't corrupt cute things it ain't worth it.

Anyway, as long as I have my blacklist to block both the things I hate and the things I don't want to see lewd I will be happy

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