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Now Viewing: NTR is getting normalized?
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Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
NTR is getting normalized?
Posted on: 09/16/23 12:54AM

While I don't like NTR, I must talk about this because this is interesting.
Almost all recomandations on doujin sites have some kind of NTR into it.
Even Vtubers admit that they like NTR. (Noel and Marine from Hololive).
It's getting too popular or it's a coincidence?

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 09/16/23 01:15AM

its been like that for several years now, If you ever go to the popular porn sites *vomit* or where porn is allowed, you get cuck porn as the most viewed or followed or whatever category. Whether that is real growth, or not, I cant say. But considering most things on the internet now are artificially influenced well...

I just membered a few incidents when Musk bought Twitter, and some of the most supposedly popular trending tags in places like Japan suddenly changed overnight. Turns out he fired the curators or trending mods, and turns out the most trending things in Japan daily weren't Gender politics and social justice issues, but anime and sports.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2787
Posted on: 09/16/23 01:37AM

That's why you should not have any bias if you running something. No matter what or country you live in, there's no excuse. Do not let criminals get away cuz he's just like me.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1621
Posted on: 09/16/23 02:50AM

All my fetishes have become popular and I am still bitter about it, but even furries have it rough, now, man. Every subculture is getting targeted by parasitic marketing fads and made into some kind of commoditized economy totem.

I guess anime spread the existence of NTR around, but it’s still fucking annoying. What kind of person is like “wow, I have gone my whole life not knowing about this, but now that I’ve heard of it, I am suddenly interested as if it has always been my heart’s desire!”?

By the way, the BDSM community has been feeling this for DECADES now. It’s nothing new; it’s just starting to spread to other communities. That’s all.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 09/16/23 09:41AM

Hee-Ho said:
NTR is getting normalized?

Yes. People very often get tired of vanilla stuff. And NTR is the opposite of vanilla basically.
A lot people can end up liking dark lewd shit, who would had thought.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Sorry for the double comment.
Posted on: 09/16/23 09:53AM

I always block that stuff, it is the only hentai genre that can actually make me slowly sadder the more I am exposed to it.

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 908
Posted on: 09/16/23 05:47PM

Degenerates are getting far too comfortable. We need to shame them back into their little hiding holes.

Yes, that includes my degeneracy. Equal shaming or get the fuck out.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 09/16/23 07:58PM

BaconMinion said:
We need to shame them back into their little hiding holes.

Stop masturbating to those cheating drawings you bastards! *punches monitor* Dont you see that they are bad relationship examples!? *punches monitor again*

DougDimmadome - Group: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome - Total Posts: 1651
Posted on: 09/16/23 08:03PM

ThePigeon said:
BaconMinion said:
We need to shame them back into their little hiding holes.

Stop masturbating to those cheating drawings you bastards! *punches monitor* Dont you see that they are bad relationship examples!? *punches monitor again*

that will teach em

TokenChan2 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 85
Posted on: 09/16/23 08:07PM

I don't think NTR is as popular or degenerate as this forum suggests. It's all about perspective and NTR seems vanilla when compared to guro, rape, or snuff. As far as popularity is concerned I've encountered more yaoi and yuri so it feels out of place to pretend NTR is more normalized than those are.

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