Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: New post rating: General (report misuse here)
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temoto - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 05/24/22 09:20PM

Hello, not really a misuse, but noticed that the new ratings don't display images in saved searches while "only safe images" are turned on. I apologize if this has been reported before. Was just casually checking Gelbooru today and I just saw all my searches as "nobody but us chickens".

However, turning the only safe images mode showed the images again.

EDIT: Seems it's working now.

Mderms - Group: I do edits sometimes. - Total Posts: 1384
Posted on: 05/24/22 10:56PM

I think I need a differential definition between Questionable and Sensitive. Safe is self explanatory to me, as is Explicit, but I'm curious where the nude edits I've done lately (like post #7278794)fall. I'm thinking nipples or *maybe* genitalia, (though I think that would push it into explicit, depending on the situation), but no outright sex acts or fluids would fall into Sensitive but something like post #6474513 would be Questionable, since I'd be uncomfortable with someone staring over my shoulder with that on my screen (I'd be weirded out with someone seeing any of my work irl but thats beside the point).

I think I'm gonna go with this going forward;

General: Fully clothed totally normal images, I probably won't ever be doing these but whatever.
Questionable: Semi clothed or partially unclothed but no nipples or genitalia visible. Underwear/Lingerie pics would fall under here
Sensitive:Nude w/nipples visible/Genitalia not clearly shown (as in no full spread, no dicks obviously, groin but no vagina/penis visible acceptable) Partially obscured genitalia, visible only through clothing perhaps.
Explicit: Full view genitalia/sex fluids/acts

Am I on the right track here?

Most of my edits *are* gonna be explicit but I've been playing with safer nude edits lately to branch out from my usual thing so I'm just trying to see where they should go.

EDIT: Was getting Questionable and Sensitive backwards, I would flip these ( around personally on the tag editing interface, since it makes it seem Questionable is "worse" than Sensitive since its on the Explicit side which is what I was just getting confused about.

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 05/24/22 11:20PM

The ratings those have are completely fine.

General: The most safe stuff ever.
Sensitive: Ecchi, no nudity.
Questionable: Nudity, extreme ecchi, no genitals, no sex.
Explicit: Sexual activities, genitals.

Edit: You changed the one with nudity to sensitive, that is a no. Remember that the sensitive rating is just the safe rating renamed.

Mderms - Group: I do edits sometimes. - Total Posts: 1384
Posted on: 05/24/22 11:27PM

PietroSoft said:

General: The most safe stuff ever.
Sensitive: Ecchi, no nudity.
Questionable: Nudity, extreme ecchi, no genitals, no sex.
Explicit: Sexual activities, genitals.

Where does post #5462396 fall then, because shes fully (sort of) clothed but vulva is visible through the pantyhose.
Or post #5310060 because theres no nudity but signs of violence (bruises/scratches) because of the nature of the meme.

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 05/24/22 11:29PM

Mderms said:

Because the pussy is well defined I would use explicit.(Hell, you can even see the pubic hair) Genitals bump the rating. At the very least questionable.

Second is sensitive. If it's not the most safe stuff ever, better use sensitive.

gayshit - Group: Member - Total Posts: 63
Posted on: 05/24/22 11:53PM

A lot of Safe tagged posts have some sexual tension/very suggestive pose in them althought no nude at all, so nice change imo

doomi - Group: Member - Total Posts: 17
Posted on: 05/25/22 02:53AM

imma be real this whole system is completely retarded
general and sensitive are basically exactly the same thing, with nearly exactly the same results but different tags, forcing you to either lose out on most of the results if you only search for one, or have to blacklist both questionable and explicit to get what you want

sensitive should just not exist, throw everything that was safe into general and restrict it a bit more to lower the amount of borderline in it instead of a shitty bandaid that doesn't work and only makes shit worse

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 05/25/22 02:59AM

doomi said:

If you only want to see NSFW stuff add to the search "-rating:general -rating:sensitive" all the results should be NSFW.

If you only want to see SFW stuff add to the search "-rating:questionable -rating:explicit" all the results should be SFW.

Because we copied this stuff from Dan, stuff wont be changed. We have no voice in this stuff.

doomi - Group: Member - Total Posts: 17
Posted on: 05/25/22 03:21AM

PietroSoft said:
doomi said:

If you only want to see NSFW stuff add to the search "-rating:general -rating:sensitive" all the results should be NSFW.

If you only want to see SFW stuff add to the search "-rating:questionable -rating:explicit" all the results should be SFW.

Because we copied this stuff from Dan, stuff wont be changed. We have no voice in this stuff.

that doesn't make it any less braindead really, i get you copied that from dan and the blame is mostly on them but it's no excuse for it being a garbage system, especially when the previous one worked fine
having to use 2 tags to do what 1 tag could do easily is just a blatant downgrade, there's no positive to any of this beyond "well danbooru did it so we do it too"

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 05/25/22 03:23AM

doomi said:

For quite a long time there has been an issue with the safe rating. People didn't use it properly, a lot of hard ecchi was on the safe rating, along with very safe stuff. Now at least there is a true "safe" rating.

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