Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: New post rating: General (report misuse here)
Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 05/24/22 02:24AM

853214728 said:
When looking at the tag edit history, how come sensitive and general both show up as blue? They look the same.

Things are getting ironed out.

sasamisa - Group: Translator - Total Posts: 450
Posted on: 05/24/22 03:17AM

Man, I'm sure glad I'm just a translator here because you guys really have your work cut out for you, it seems. (*_*)

Speaking of which, I did all the text on the latter two images you cited, NotTheNax, although one was little more than the name of the artist, whom I added. (^_^)

Ilikechocos - Group: Member - Total Posts: 31
Posted on: 05/24/22 04:44AM

Seems like a change to add pointless bloat. The existing 3-rating system was fine - "Questionable" already covered all the sensitive content between "explicit/safe" which was self-explanatory.

The new rating system still wont stop uploaders from forgetting to apply the correct rating to images. (Help: Ratings page also needs to be updated).

maimaimai - Group: Member - Total Posts: 17
Posted on: 05/24/22 08:58AM

AngryZapdos - Group: Top Cunt - Total Posts: 177
Posted on: 05/24/22 09:43AM

maimaimai said:
So is navel visible like here
considered General or Sensitive?

Even real life little girls often show it like no big thing.

It depends on the amount of skin shown, and the amount of detail/focus given to it. I would say the first two are G, but the other two are S.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 05/24/22 10:32AM

SadSap said:
It's going to be a bitch to sort out all the previously-labeled "super-safe" images to "general".]

Danbootu is going to be doing most of it, then we'll be importing it when they're done. We only need to worry about the stuff we have that Danbooru doesn't.

PietroSoft said:
[quote]Niyuri said:
how do you search in multiple ratings

Little problem cute doggy. You cant search rating:general and rating:sensitive at the same time using the search bar. As far as I know. You will have to search ratings individually.

You can try using your blacklist for this one. I think you can blacklist rating:explicit and questionable if you blacklist those two. All the results should be a combination of general and sensitive.

Edit: I checked and the blacklist trick seems to work.

You can easily search for General and Sensitive at the same time by searching "-rating:questionable -rating:explicit".

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 05/24/22 12:33PM

Jerl said:

Haha, my brain malfunctioned with that one. And it was a dumb mistake considering that I already had mentioned the correct solution before.

PietroSoft said:
"-rating:general -rating:sensitive" should have the same effect as "-rating:safe"

But in reverse.

Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 05/24/22 12:36PM

This thread is certainly going through it's paces.

sasamisa - Group: Translator - Total Posts: 450
Posted on: 05/24/22 01:11PM

It sure is, though all I can do is translate the images, like the first one on maimaimai's list there. (^u^)

Pastel_Writer - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 05/24/22 03:56PM


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