Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: New post rating: General (report misuse here)
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sasamisa - Group: Translator - Total Posts: 450
Posted on: 05/23/22 05:54AM

Indeed, and that new Parsee one has her clearly riding someone - I can tell from the lewd SFX. (^_^;)

Anyhow, I changed the rating, plus appended a few obviously missing tags. (^_~)

BRANLIX2000 - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 05/23/22 07:46AM

That sounds great. There was a lot of grey areas between safe and questionable ratings. I hope the addition of a fourth one will help

starking said:
The only Thing questionable about Kirby going topless is why would anyone draw such a thing. No, pietro if there are exposed tits it’s definitely not questionable it explicit. Questionable is Kirby with a cameltoe.

No, exposed nipples alone aren't enough for an explicit rating, look at the wiki

HomeStruck - Group: Member - Total Posts: 74
Posted on: 05/23/22 09:21AM

What's the best thing to do for users like me, who upload a lot of sfw and want to help the rating edits, but also don't want to deal with captcha and edit cooldowns?

NotTheNax - Group: Member - Total Posts: 67
Posted on: 05/23/22 10:57AM

Wait so there are now 2 ratings? Or 4?
Aka G + Sensitive, or G+Sensitive+questionable+explicit

I assume the latter since the red bar at the top said "new rating" and not "were completely revamping the rating system" or something similar

Eitherway assuming it's the second, good change

Cancerouscrab - Group: Member - Total Posts: 236
Posted on: 05/23/22 12:01PM

4 ratings. Explicit and questionable are unchanged, safe is split into one category for swimsuits, camera focus on some covered sexual part, or references to sexual stuff, and the other category with absolutely nothing sexual, like how most pictures of Anya should be. All posts that had the safe tag before are now the former.

Also, I just realized, but is cleavage without much focus on it general or sensitive? For example, I personally think posts like,, or be general despite the cleavage, since there's no focus on it.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 05/23/22 12:14PM

starking said:
PietroSoft said:

Some calibration here, tell me if I am wrong.

Kirby: General
Kirby with a nice pair of titties in a bikini: Sensitive
Kirby with titties going topless: Questionable
Kirby is getting banged: Explicit

The only Thing questionable about Kirby going topless is why would anyone draw such a thing. No, pietro if there are exposed tits it’s definitely not questionable it explicit. Questionable is Kirby with a cameltoe.

And jerl this is going to be booru wide?

An Explicit rating requires genitals, sexual activities, or sexual activities to be depicted in the image. Exposed breasts are not Explicit, and if you've been rating them as Explicit, you've been doing it wrong.

I'm not sure what you mean by "booru-wide". We aren't capable of changing just part of the site, and we have no control over any other sites.

sasamisa - Group: Translator - Total Posts: 450
Posted on: 05/23/22 12:49PM

Oh, I don't know, Cancerouscrab: the girl in that second image seems to be acting a little too coy to me with those needles to be in General. (^u^)

Jokes aside, I translated the text on the third one for you. Heh, and starking wondering why anyone would draw Kirby as Mai need know only one answer... because Japan, why else. (#^_^#)

Cancerouscrab - Group: Member - Total Posts: 236
Posted on: 05/23/22 01:29PM

For some reason I forgot that blood was a consideration lmao.

Anyways, I tagged the third image as general since I think it belongs there, but I want to double check, is showing a midriff or a minimal amount of cleavage fine for general since those aren't exactly sexualized in that context? I want to get a feel for what constitutes as what.

Lastly, do form-fitting bodysuits without any suggestive camera angles such as or count as general or sensitive?

Moonman - Group: Member - Total Posts: 317
Posted on: 05/23/22 01:45PM

Add "Shock" as a rating and allow R-18G already

wanna - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 51
Posted on: 05/23/22 02:50PM

PietroSoft said:
Trala123 said:

Yeah, I noticed that problem too. Too many cameltoes with the safe rating. Also too many sexy bikinis and clothing with the safe rating. The cooldown is 10 seconds.

It's not just cameltoes, just searching for some more explicit tags together with questionable gives a lot of results.
I'm about to head to bed so can change the rating for all of them but here are some questionable posts:

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