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DEVILFISH97 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 130
Posted on: 02/16/22 10:36AM

Undeaddragon said:
I wonder what would happen if Mod and Admin roles from the internet would disappear just like that, Would it be more peaceful, Or would the internet just erupt into an never ending burning flame?

I'd assume that some more level headed people would start working together to prevent just that, But what do you guys and gals think would happen?

People would work together to moderate the community ... so in other words there would just be more moderators xD Not necessarily better or worse.

Mods are just an extension of rules, if there are no mods there are no rules. There is no such thing as self governance on something as anonymous and large as the internet. So if you don't mind seeing horrible stuff on the site, if you don't mind there being no punishment for people who use the platform to do evil things, and you don't have any care which way or the other about how the site is maintained or the tags are kept clear, then you could go make a site without mods and it would be... functional. For a couple days.

But it sounds like what you want is to be a mod, not for there to be no mods lol. For the websites you like to be run like how you think it should be.

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 02/16/22 10:42AM

But it sounds like what you want is to be a mod, not for there to be no mods lol. For the websites you like to be run like how you think it should be.


Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 02/16/22 12:36PM

The question simply came to mind as I've been doubting many things as of late.

guywithagrudge - Group: Member - Total Posts: 54
Posted on: 02/16/22 02:05PM

I wish I knew how to quote.

Anyway the only place I think has truly terrible moderaters are GameFAQs but since it's already kinda infamous that should go without saying amd even their userbase and administrators make fun of them.

I think good moderation is something that is fairly consistent and can explain what why the offender did was wrong. I also think context matters much more then anything. I think if a person starts their conversation by insulting another user, the user who was insulted should be able to insult them right back. I think the instigator should always recieve the punishment as opposed to someone getting heated after getting threats and/or insults tossed at them.

Again going with GameFAQs the moderation team seems unable to comprehend any sort of context to an argument and tends to playcate to people they agree with. Makes it an echo chamber and a fairly toxic.

So bad moderation also isn't beneficial for a website and at that point either should be overhauled or just done away with considering how frustrating and useless it becomes.

Assjacket - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1268
Posted on: 02/16/22 07:35PM

guywithagrudge said:
I wish I knew how to quote.

Anyway the only place I think has truly terrible moderaters are GameFAQs but since it's already kinda infamous that should go without saying amd even their userbase and administrators make fun of them.

I think good moderation is something that is fairly consistent and can explain what why the offender did was wrong. I also think context matters much more then anything. I think if a person starts their conversation by insulting another user, the user who was insulted should be able to insult them right back. I think the instigator should always recieve the punishment as opposed to someone getting heated after getting threats and/or insults tossed at them.

Again going with GameFAQs the moderation team seems unable to comprehend any sort of context to an argument and tends to playcate to people they agree with. Makes it an echo chamber and a fairly toxic.

So bad moderation also isn't beneficial for a website and at that point either should be overhauled or just done away with considering how frustrating and useless it becomes.

Seems like you've described Reddit as a whole as well. But that makes sense, since the site was literally designed to be an echo chamber.

Places like this wouldn't change much without mods. At least, the forums wouldn't. The posts would be overrun with garbage.

guywithagrudge - Group: Member - Total Posts: 54
Posted on: 02/16/22 09:03PM

Assjacket said:
guywithagrudge said:
I wish I knew how to quote.

Anyway the only place I think has truly terrible moderaters are GameFAQs but since it's already kinda infamous that should go without saying amd even their userbase and administrators make fun of them.

I think good moderation is something that is fairly consistent and can explain what why the offender did was wrong. I also think context matters much more then anything. I think if a person starts their conversation by insulting another user, the user who was insulted should be able to insult them right back. I think the instigator should always recieve the punishment as opposed to someone getting heated after getting threats and/or insults tossed at them.

Again going with GameFAQs the moderation team seems unable to comprehend any sort of context to an argument and tends to playcate to people they agree with. Makes it an echo chamber and a fairly toxic.

So bad moderation also isn't beneficial for a website and at that point either should be overhauled or just done away with considering how frustrating and useless it becomes.

Seems like you've described Reddit as a whole as well. But that makes sense, since the site was literally designed to be an echo chamber.

Places like this wouldn't change much without mods. At least, the forums wouldn't. The posts would be overrun with garbage.

Honestly it still seems like there is a decent amount of questionable posts in the comments sections bit I guess that's inevitable due to sheer number.

But yeah Reddit and social media can be pretty toxic too but it's also partially due to my own experience and bias that I konda despise GameFAQs as well (but again in my defense they tend to be almost entirely echo chamber and will insult you if you don't like the thing they do or even worse dislike the thing they like) but I think it's kinda funny that Gelbooru has a pretty lax forum where people could just talk about stuff they like. Who would've known?

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 02/16/22 09:29PM

guywithagrudge said:
Gelbooru has a pretty lax forum where people could just talk about stuff they like. Who would've known?

This place has some pretty nice people. There is not a lot of movement here, but that is fine.

Most of the people you see on this place are in their 30s, mid 20s. The place is basic, there are no notifications, mentions, no upvotes/downvotes, no image previews, no emojis. So youngsters get bored of this place really fast. The people that stay on this place, gets to stay here because well... they enjoy talking to the people here. And because we are all adults, there are very little limits on what you can talk about.

Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 02/16/22 11:09PM

It honestly helps that the Admin and Mods are unusually nice compared to other forums i've been too, Mainly due too the fact they don't feel to interfere all that much unless someone breaks a rule, But even then they try to be reasonable with you by asking you to please stop, That's what i like about it here, That's why i tend to be drawn to this place.

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 02/17/22 12:27AM

Undeaddragon said:

Mods don't have to work that hard if people know how to act like proper adults. It also helps that Lozer seems to be very selective when it comes to minions staff.

Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 02/17/22 01:38AM

Unfortunately we as humans can't be flawless, Emotions and Depression and the like usually makes people not act the best they can.

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