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Assjacket - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1268
Posted on: 02/24/22 09:25PM

PietroSoft said:
supremz said:
How was everyone's February?

Very busy. Lots of work, but also good money, so, hey not so bad.

Exactly the same.

pugsaremydrugs - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 980
Posted on: 02/24/22 09:26PM

my job cut my hours so my february has been $400 lighter than usual

Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 02/24/22 09:33PM

I've gotten more more money from my job as of late but I haven't really been given an explanation as to why.

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 02/24/22 09:48PM

Assjacket said:
PietroSoft said:
supremz said:
How was everyone's February?

Very busy. Lots of work, but also good money, so, hey not so bad.

Exactly the same.

What do you do for a living? Its fine if you don't want to say it tho. I am a PC technician. So, i know a lot about computors.

Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 02/24/22 10:11PM

I Never would've guessed that you would be an PC technician Pietro.

Assjacket - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1268
Posted on: 02/24/22 10:31PM

PietroSoft said:
What do you do for a living? Its fine if you don't want to say it tho. I am a PC technician. So, i know a lot about computors.

My brother. I work in IT & Security. I used to do a lot of computer repair and networking, so that's probably pretty similar.

Undeaddragon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3513
Posted on: 02/24/22 10:38PM

Is Security work any fun?

Assjacket - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1268
Posted on: 02/24/22 10:43PM

Undeaddragon said:
Is Security work any fun?

I wouldn't call it fun per se. There are times in the winter especially where it really sucks (ie: mounting and wiring cameras outside in a high place, standing on ladders set up on a sheet of ice).
Still, it pays well for the actual work involved, and it's more tedious than difficult most of the time. Anyone that has to deal with real manual labor would surely laugh at me complaining.

I don't get the 'fun' security job; IE: Watching cameras in a supermarket while actually playing games or shitposting on the internet. I'm more involved in setting up the equipment so people can have those jobs :V

PietroSoft - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2500
Posted on: 02/24/22 10:45PM

Undeaddragon said:
I Never would've guessed that you would be an PC technician Pietro.

Haha, i like to act like an idiot. But im not that dumb. Fun fact: I can also speak taco, and some spaghetti too.

Assjacket said:
My brother. I work in IT & Security. I used to do a lot of computer repair and networking, so that's probably pretty similar.

Haha, didn't expected that. Yes, its pretty similar. I am around computers all the time. I give tech support to people and companies, recently i had a lot of work because around here school is starting soon, so i had to go to a school and install and check a lot of computers. Also getting the network ready.

Assjacket - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1268
Posted on: 02/24/22 10:50PM

PietroSoft said:
Haha, i like to act like an idiot.

Relatable. I just want to have fun.

PietroSoft said:
i had a lot of work because around here school is starting soon, so i had to go to a school and install and check a lot of computers. Also getting the network ready.

Yep, that sounds familiar. Good stuff.

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