Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: [Translating] Moon Rune Unit: Are you a translator? Discuss Translating Here!
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laura.loli - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 366
Posted on: 05/20/21 08:16PM

GiovanniHunter said:
ok then
tough i did notice that capitalization (when not using japanese characters) is considered a different tag so i worry its going to be the same issue here

All you can do is search each tag variation and see how many results you get. If they're aliased it should give you the same amount. In this case ネズミの神さま has 312 results:ネズミの神さま/artworks?s_mode=s_tag

And ネズミの神様 has 39:ネズミの神様/artworks?s_mode=s_tag

I'd go with ネズミの神さま, but you can use both if you want to be thorough.

What it boils down to is some people use the hiragana form when tagging their images, other people use the kanji one, and some will even use both. Pixiv has no control over that, so unless they notice and alias the two, you get situations like this. Neither's necessarily "better," but it appears more people use the hiragana form than the kanji one.

GiovanniHunter - Group: Member - Total Posts: 185
Posted on: 05/20/21 08:22PM

just so you know, im the one who tagged all the images with ネズミの神さま so the numbers has been skewered by me
the tag started at around the same number as the other variant

anyway, thank you for the explanation
i kinda went full force with ネズミの神さま once jerl responded

Cromsis - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Could I ask for a translation request?
Posted on: 06/03/21 05:06PM

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help translate these images for me? I'd really like to know what they're saying!

1. (My post)

2. (another post of mine)

3. (One other post of mine)


and finally 5. (This image is in great quality and I'm surprised there's no translations for it online.

TDogarooski - Group: Member - Total Posts: 16

robblu - Group: Member - Total Posts: 69

strong_hand - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 101
Posted on: 08/24/21 07:00PM

I know it's been a while since you posted this, but I translated them.

I feel quite confident in the translations, but if you have some feedback, please feel free to post it here ;)

NotTheNax - Group: Member - Total Posts: 67
do I remove "Translation Request" if I translated it in the comments
Posted on: 09/02/21 03:01PM

I... probably should have come and asked first BEFORE clicking "Post Comment", but welp... Can't undo the past so.

I translated post #6340186 but I don't know how to add the yellow translation boxes so I just chucked everything in the comments. Do I... remove the translation_request? or because I only did it in the comments its irrelevant and doesnt count.
How do I summon someone who knows how to add yellow translation boxes?

Is there some sort of ancient summoning ritual I must preform or can I just come ask here.

Also Do I need to get translations approved or can I just write whatever and hope no one calls me out for it? if so where do I do that.... is it here?

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 09/02/21 03:27PM

To add translations to the image, scroll down to the Options section in the left sidebar and click "Add Note". This will allow you to click and drag to place a translation note on the image. Once you've done that, hover over the box and click on the box that says "Click to edit" that pops up. The note editing menu should appear.

Please note that adding notes to a post shares a 10 second timer with tag edits. If you add a bunch of notes too quickly, some of them may not save.

If you feel confident in your translations, you can just change the "translation_request" tag to "translated". If you aren't confident in the translation, still change "translation_request" to "translated", but also add "translation_check".

NotTheNax - Group: Member - Total Posts: 67
Posted on: 09/02/21 05:10PM

I mean... its google translated so I can be as sure as... google translate.
Also cool "translation_check" solves all my problems thank you.

strong_hand - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 101
Posted on: 09/02/21 07:03PM

Jerl said:
If you feel confident in your translations, you can just change the "translation_request" tag to "translated". If you aren't confident in the translation, still change "translation_request" to "translated", but also add "translation_check".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but check_translation implies translation_request, so it woukd still show up. Can translated and translation_request "coexist?"

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