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Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 10/26/14 02:13PM

What is myon?

There once was a tag with over 2,000 entries but is now dead.

Xalrun said:
Okay fukken, I need some help finding a certain youmu picture, it's basically youmu going "oh, you wonder where is my ghost half?" And she jumps on the floor and opens her crotch releasing myon. I've been looking for this image for the past few years.

lahdeedah - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 10/26/14 02:17PM

Myon is a nickname for konpaku_youmu_(ghost).

The image is post #303689. There was a hard translation of it, but it's gone now.

Xalrun - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4803
Posted on: 10/26/14 02:54PM

Yeah that's the right one. Thanks.
Edit: I reuploaded the hard translation.

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 10/26/14 03:36PM

That's why I asked. Because I wanted to find it first, because I kind of knew which one it was but not where it was. (story of this thread though)

Also here's the hard translation:

post #2454211

Wowzers - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Months spent searching to no avail..
Posted on: 10/31/14 02:50AM

If this got double-posted I apologize. My web-filter re-activated after a 15 minute interval expired, and thus blocked this website as I posted it until I re-disabled it. I refreshed to confirm my post was not made, but if it turns out it did go through you have my apologizes if this turns into a double-post.

I used to stumble on this image often, until I actually tried looking for it. Been months to no avail. Hours wasted. The amount of time spent looking for this particular image is actually quite sad. xD

I'll start by verbally describing the images, then I'll describe it with tags.*

Verbal Description: It is an image of a young female, likely in her twenties, with long blue hair in a bathroom. Her body is facing the other way, but she is turning to look at the viewer while sitting on the edge of a bath-tub. Her vagina is partially obscured by the tub but very visible, and I very firmly believe her anus is visible. She may be smiling. You can see one breast clearly from her angle and at least one nipple is mostly visible. Little else going on in the photo. It is uncensored. The vast majority of the bathroom is out of view. It's mostly a close-up, just with most of her body in-view.

Tags it -SHOULD- have:
Light / every-so-slightly-tan skin. (I know, not really a, "tag," tag.)
Smiling (I think)
Water (Possibly)
Soap_bubbles (Possibly)

Tags it should -NOT- have:
-1guy (Or any guys)
-2girls (-Multiple_girls)
-dildo (Or toys of any kind.)
-bathing (She is sitting on the edge of a tub, not actively washing.)
-wet (Possible it is tagged as wet, as only her feet / legs are in the bath-tub, though both are obscured from vision from knee down practically.)

*NOTE: I am describing with applicable tags. Some of the tags I state it will NOT be tagged with, but -should- be tagged with. I.E.: Bathroom / bath_room I've searched high and low to no avail. It likely isn't tagged this despite being -in- one.

Any help finding this would be greatly appreciated. It's ridiculous how long I've looked and how many -THOUSANDS- of images I've filtered through trying to find it.

Also.. Dang is it awkward to type any kind of communication to people actively looking at pornography for the purpose of looking at pornography. Haha. :P Though obviously not to a strict sense, I am compelled to convey myself pseudo-professionally.. If not at least as obviously perverted as I am. :P

Thank you to anyone who helps! If someone finds it and is also looking for an image I will most certainly spend a minimum of an hour looking for your image... As I've already spent so many hours looking for this one it'd be an easy compromise for myself. Haha. :P

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 10/31/14 11:19AM

@ Wpwzers: Can't say I tried very hard but I did try...

post #258713
post #2344572
post #2339670 not blue hair though
post #1980671 " "" "" ""
post #1160870
post #509792
post #367768
post #1981247
post #1934178 nice
post #156340 not blue hair
post #2394506 not sitting
post #2079682 maybe a close mach

You're right, this isn't easy..assuming we have it on Gelbooru.

Dante1016996 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 758
Posted on: 10/31/14 06:26PM

I'm asking because I can;t even remember if it was this website I saw it on. The image I'm looking for shows two girls about to be sold to two monsters (I think they're orcs) It seems like its going to be a stereotypical monster rape, but then it shows all four of them happily married. Is there an image on this site like that?

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 10/31/14 07:15PM

Anti_Gendou said:
That's why I asked. Because I wanted to find it first, because I kind of knew which one it was but not where it was. (story of this thread though)

Also here's the hard translation:

post #2454211

Dat feel when the person requesting this image was also this image's uploader...

And that user then proceeded to favorite it after it was posted in this thread.

Nothing wrong about it, actually I'm laughing about it.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 10/31/14 07:29PM

You're aware that he posted that image to the site an hour and a half after he posted the request, right?

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 10/31/14 08:27PM

I wasn't paying attention.

Though it took more than hour from the point the request was made, before Xalrun even confirmed seeing the untranslated version. And his edit was not made when I posted I had found the translated post he uploaded.

Combined with the fact that IQDB has 3 versions of the post. Two of which are hard translated, but as mentioned, one is perma-deleted from the site. So I probably somehow thought I had found the old one and that it was Xalrun's from a long time ago.

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