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sytalidis - Group: Member - Total Posts: 181
Posted on: 10/04/14 12:48AM

KaShy - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Posted on: 10/04/14 08:27AM

Sorry for no replying at this time, thanks jedi1357 for your help and I finally tried to create the clothes by myself. Thanks for suggesting me to see the loincloths, this was a good reference and even I think my idea is a loincloth which start at the chest (the usual loincloths start under the womb), I just never found precisly the clothe as I had in mind here on Gelbooru.

ms_thing - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Anyone know where to find this doujin?
Posted on: 10/11/14 05:25AM

I'm having trouble finding a torrent or zip file of this Konata doujin by Tyke:


jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 10/11/14 11:25AM

ms_thing said:
I'm having trouble finding a torrent or zip file of this Konata doujin by Tyke:


It's only 700 Yen (Plus like $20.00 shipping). You could just buy it.

Unfortunately, the doujin press has sold out.

Splatulated - Group: Member - Total Posts: 72
Posted on: 10/15/14 06:49AM

just looking for images of girls with tits like cats but dont know what to search (like 2 normal tits then 6 more flat ones or something)

like this

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 10/15/14 02:25PM

Splatulated said:
just looking for images of girls with tits like cats but dont know what to search (like 2 normal tits then 6 more flat ones or something)

like this;tags=multiple_breasts

That's all that comes to mind.

thimblina - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
Tag about holding in cum?
Posted on: 10/20/14 03:50PM

I'm looking for pictures where a girl is trying to hold in cum. Whether that be having it drip down her thigh, shown on panties, or something similar is fine, but the girl has to be with all of her clothes on and doing everyday tasks or otherwise trying to act normal. The girls can be flustered, but if there are some with the girl trying to act as if nothing is happening, that would be even better. I'm not sure if there is a tag for this or a series of tags that will work, but help would be appreciated.


lahdeedah - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 10/20/14 04:30PM

thimblina said:
I'm looking for pictures where a girl is trying to hold in cum. Whether that be having it drip down her thigh, shown on panties, or something similar is fine, but the girl has to be with all of her clothes on and doing everyday tasks or otherwise trying to act normal. The girls can be flustered, but if there are some with the girl trying to act as if nothing is happening, that would be even better. I'm not sure if there is a tag for this or a series of tags that will work, but help would be appreciated.


post #1515592, post #2210008, post #2304451, post #1531948, post #2228246, post #2193128, post #2207448, post #2352272, post #2039563

A similar tag is discreet_vibrator, but usually doesn't involve cum. There's also stealth_sex.

Freddesh - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
I can't find this santa sex image.
Posted on: 10/20/14 07:28PM

The image is quite similar to this: post #16700

But the guy wearing the santa costume is lying on the bed and is pulling down a boy, who is completely naked, onto his penis. Oh and the guy in the santa costume is quite tan and has his body exposed in a way.

I couldn't find it through the search bar nor tags.

Xalrun - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4802
Posted on: 10/26/14 01:27PM

Okay fukken, I need some help finding a certain youmu picture, it's basically youmu going "oh, you wonder where is my ghost half?" And she jumps on the floor and opens her crotch releasing myon. I've been looking for this image for the past few years.

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