Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

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Oshikuru - Group: Member - Total Posts: 25
Posted on: 07/23/14 03:25PM

I can't find this pic again....
It was a faceless smiling futa pov pegging a guy. Maybe there was a third person watching. It's possible it was a strap-on insteads of futa.
Think these tags would be enough to find it, but no... There was even a comment about the female being faceless this time around.

VinylScratchz92 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
Smoking Loli's?
Posted on: 07/26/14 05:58PM

I'm wondering if there are any images at all of lolis that are smoking? Im not good at combining tags and no luck with figuring what to type in the search >.> anyways any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance ^_^

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 07/26/14 10:03PM

There are a few here. You might be able to narrow it down more "female" or "1girl", but you might also miss a few by doing that.

lahdeedah - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 07/29/14 12:50AM

Anti_Gendou said:
Double posting for this.

Is there a tag or pool for this sex position?

post #1213940
post #2185556
post #807537
post #2179367
post #2070937

If not, I'd like to make one. I've never made a pool though. The help section confused me a bit.


NoMansW0nderland - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 08/06/14 02:05PM

Hey there um I'm looking for a certain genre/collection of images. What I'm looking for is Lolis holding guns I've tried typing into the search box different ways but I get more non lolis than anything :(, anyways any help would be most appreciated :)

umd26 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 14
Posted on: 08/06/14 04:55PM

loli+gun+solo would probably be most accurate, it brings up less than a page, though. I'll see if I can populate it some more :)

KaShy - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Posted on: 09/02/14 05:14PM

Hello everybody,

My request is quite different since I don't search for a precise picture/artist but for several kind of pictures.

For my project I need to create character wearing this kind of clothes : I need to see more pictures in order to help my friends to create correctly the clothes from different angles of view. The main thing is that clothing must be a simple fabric as in the example, a kind of T-dress.

Thanks for your help.

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 09/02/14 05:41PM

KaShy said:
Hello everybody,

My request is quite different since I don't search for a precise picture/artist but for several kind of pictures.

For my project I need to create character wearing this kind of clothes : I need to see more pictures in order to help my friends to create correctly the clothes from different angles of view. The main thing is that clothing must be a simple fabric as in the example, a kind of T-dress.

Thanks for your help.

I don't think we even have a tag for that. I looked in several places but the best I came up with was some variation of loin cloth.

post #480266 post #2029814;tags=elektra_natchios

Queen_Darkness_Von_Haven - Group: Member - Total Posts: 12
Posted on: 10/03/14 06:12PM

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 10/03/14 06:17PM

Queen_Darkness_Von_Haven said:

I added the source and put it in the comments for you yesterday. Take a look. It's a screenshot from that game.

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