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Now Viewing: "Unable to search this deep due to coding limitations." - How to get past search limit. (Read fifth post)
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ankle_socks - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5
"Unable to search this deep due to coding limitations." - How to get past search limit. (Read fifth post)
Posted on: 06/04/11 07:14AM

I can't get beyond 20,000 posts in any category. I get a 'temporarily can't search this deep' error.

Is this a hard-coded limit? Just curious.

Edit - For example -


Fistbeard - Group: Member - Total Posts: 74
Posted on: 06/04/11 07:55AM

There was a notice at the top of the page not too awfully long ago addressing this. If my memory serves, it's to cut down on how much work the server has to do or something along those lines.

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 06/04/11 10:23AM

It is hard-coded and is used to cut down the CPU load on the search engine. You can try adding more tags to narrow the search. Negative tags (-tag) can also be used.

also, I presented a solution of sorts in: forum #1467

It should work for any tag.

ankle_socks - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5
Posted on: 06/04/11 12:44PM

Thanks to both of you for the replies. At least I know what's happening.

Jedi - I'm not quite clear what the workaround does. What is 'touhou id:<20000' showing me? General posts from 20000 onwards?


jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 06/04/11 07:22PM

Replace "touhou" with the tag you are looking for.

Adding "id:<20000" will show you all the posts with that tag that have a post id of less than 20000.
"tag id:<40000" will show all posts with that tag with a post id of less than 40,000 up to the 20,000th search result. This will likely include posts from the previous search. The point being; if you repeat this pattern 358 times, you will have seen every post with that tag regardless of how many there are. Leave out the "tag" and just search "id:<***000" to find all non-deleted posts on Gel. (*** = any multiple of 20 up to 6760.)

There is a faster way but it requires you to pay close attention to the post IDs you are looking at. The post ID is found immediately beneath Statistics on the left side of the post view page.

For example: I want to view ALL non-deleted post that have the blue_eyes tag but there are more than 1,337,000 of them. (The tag counter says 1363185 but that includes deleted posts with the tag that cannot be found using the search field.)

First I search "blue_eyes". They are listed in reverse chronological order of posting so ID #s go down as I search through the pages starting with id:7153602 and ending with id:7043902 on page 477. This is a difference of 109700 so I saved myself 5 searches over using the above method.

Next I search "blue_eyes id:<7043902" and I am given the next 20,000 search results. (id:7043899 to id:6936852)

Next I search "blue_eyes id:<6936852" and so on. In this example I would have to perform 67 different searches to see ALL of the non-deleted posts with the blue_eyes tag. The more posts a tag has the more searches have to be used to find them all, e.g. I think touhou requires 35 searches. (Up to 358 if you search for all Gelbooru posts.)

th8827 EDIT: Updated important numbers to reflect new search limit.

Update: (2012-02-19) Updated ALL the numbers.

Update: (2013-04-22) Updated ALL the numbers again.

Update: (2022-04-18) Updated ALL the numbers again.

ankle_socks - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5
Posted on: 06/05/11 06:23AM

Wow! Thanks, Jedi. That's what I call a comprehensive reply.

I understand now. And I get the 2nd method too. In fact, using the post ids is pretty smart. I'll try that.

Thanks a lot!


Edit - Just been doing a test. I had forgotten post ids were in reverse order. I realise now that searching for 'id:<20000', then going to the last page takes me to the very first post - Id: 1, so I've got it sussed.


jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 06/22/11 06:46PM


Due to increased traffic and overburdened CPU/bandwidth, the search limit has been decreased to 10,000. Search ends on page 401.

Edit: (2013-04-22) Search limit is now 20,000 and search ends on page 318. (Posts per page increased from 28 to 63.)

Edit: (2015-05-18) Search limit is still 20,000 but there is now 49 posts per page. Search now ends on page 477.

Owyn - Group: Member - Total Posts: 45
Posted on: 06/25/11 11:27AM

great, but when will this limit dissapear? i really wanted to browse images

dthmax - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 09/14/11 01:04PM

the limit now its 10,000 ?

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5876
Posted on: 09/14/11 05:02PM

dthmax said:
the limit now its 10,000 ?

(2011-09-14) Confirmed, the limit is still 10,000 at this time.

Update: (2011-10-03) With 28 posts per page instead of 25 the limit is now 358 pages, not 401. (Still 10,000 posts.)

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