Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Report Tag Poisoners
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Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 07/02/11 02:35PM

Ouch... one of my gifs was there too... Damn. Thank goodness for individual image tag history.

It also looks like he's targeting images he's added to his favorites. A few.

elemental_guy - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 1200
Posted on: 07/05/11 05:19AM

I'm pretty certain with the reports and the pathetic tagging that user atrack was banned.

On a side note, at least I found some tagging work.

Posted a link for shortcut purposes

Is this really an ok thread to post who does'nt add at least 5 tags on several posts or should someone else make a thread for this specific thing?

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4393
Posted on: 07/05/11 06:10AM

Well at least he isn't vandalizing other people's tags too badly right?

He mostly just seems to suck horrible balls at tagging his own uploads. That's still bad though of course.

I don't think we have any other thread for that kind of tag failure element.

Yusuke3001 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 07/09/11 04:47AM;s=profile&id=29228 has been destroying the 'yugioh' 'yugioh_gx' 'yugioh_5d's' 'yu-gi-oh!' 'yu-gi-oh!_gx' and 'yu-gi-oh!_5d's' with the unfamiliar and made up tags of 'yuu-gi-ou' 'yuu-gi-ou_gx' 'yuu-gi-ou_5d's' and 'yuu-gi-ou_zexal' which even in Japan it's spelled 'yu-gi-oh!'. There was also a previous report on this user for almost destroying other legit tags apparently and this user has also been constantly changing tags.

internetlovemachine - Group: Fleet Admiral Cat - Total Posts: 3850
Posted on: 07/09/11 04:58AM

Yusuke3001 said:;s=profile&id=29228 has been destroying the 'yugioh' 'yugioh_gx' 'yugioh_5d's' 'yu-gi-oh!' 'yu-gi-oh!_gx' and 'yu-gi-oh!_5d's' with the unfamiliar and made up tags of 'yuu-gi-ou' 'yuu-gi-ou_gx' 'yuu-gi-ou_5d's' and 'yuu-gi-ou_zexal' which even in Japan it's spelled 'yu-gi-oh!'. There was also a previous report on this user for almost destroying other legit tags apparently and this user has also been constantly changing tags.

On the contrary, he's changing them to the accepted tag. Probably because we won't alias anything.

Also, what previous report?

Yusuke3001 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 07/09/11 05:00AM

internetlovemachine said:
Yusuke3001 said:;s=profile&id=29228 has been destroying the 'yugioh' 'yugioh_gx' 'yugioh_5d's' 'yu-gi-oh!' 'yu-gi-oh!_gx' and 'yu-gi-oh!_5d's' with the unfamiliar and made up tags of 'yuu-gi-ou' 'yuu-gi-ou_gx' 'yuu-gi-ou_5d's' and 'yuu-gi-ou_zexal' which even in Japan it's spelled 'yu-gi-oh!'. There was also a previous report on this user for almost destroying other legit tags apparently and this user has also been constantly changing tags.

On the contrary.

He's changing them to the accepted tag.

It's an insult to the original and real tag, therefore it's not acceptable that he's removing them.

elemental_guy - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 1200
Posted on: 07/09/11 05:01AM

Is there not an alias plan for this then?

internetlovemachine - Group: Fleet Admiral Cat - Total Posts: 3850
Posted on: 07/09/11 05:01AM

Yusuke3001 said:
It's an insult to the original and real tag, therefore it's not acceptable that he's removing them.

An insult?


Read up:

We basically steal everything Danbooru does, including their romanizations. Bitch at Lozer for the alias system being abandoned so you can't have all of the yu-gi-oh tags bring the same results.

As it stands, a unified tag is a much better thing to have rather than two or three splintered tags for the same series, even if you disagree with the tag being used.

Yusuke3001 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 07/09/11 05:10AM

Doesn't make it any less made up. It's flat out Yu-Gi-Oh! and since some searches take out the '-' in it yugioh would also be an acceptable term though yuu-gi-ou isn't because no one would know the fake term on the account that it isn't real even in Japan. My point still stands strong that this user is destroying multiple legit tags over one that was made up. I'm doing this for all those that know it by the real name, whether they're members now or future members.

ShadowbladeEdge - Group: Retired Staff - Total Posts: 835
Posted on: 07/09/11 05:38AM

Yusuke3001 said:
Doesn't make it any less made up.

Negatron Ghostrider, Yu-Gi-Oh! is the made up one here. The Japanese title is 遊☆戯☆王, read as ゆう☆ぎ☆おう, which is romanized as Yuu-Gi-Ou, replacing stars for hyphens. You'd know that if you read that thread IFM linked to.

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